
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 04:20:19
how do you like action movies?答句,像yes,i do.这类的 蠼螋 有毒吗 我被咬了..睡觉的时候被咬了.痛..然后红肿.好怕啊..已经过了6小时.没有不适请问这虫子有毒吗? Because there are many small stars...翻译下. many stars because cool的意思 你还能举出一个历史上年少而有志向的人吗?比如:宗悫 历史上年少而有志向的人 举出一个历史上年少而又志向的人,并用2-3句话简介一下快 举出1个历史上少年有志向的人告诉我他的名字及故事就可以了 填介词Add the milk ___ the tea,please. 这药能治啥病? she is very weak in physics.语法分析 这是什么药,治疗什么病的 Adele is very sociable,______,she is rather weak in calculation.in comparisonat this pointrelatively speakingon the other hand 某同学调查了花园里的蚜虫和七星瓢虫的数量,发现前者的数量比后者的数量要多得多,请分析 Someone is very grey,it means he or she is very __________.(weak/humorous)kuai! He always talks的同义句 这是什么病?用什么药治疗? 含非药是治什么病的 根据词语的意思造句 新鲜:(花朵)没有枯萎 怎么造句 一百斤黄金多大 英语翻译 一吨黄金有多大的体积 2吨金子的体积有多大? 你我她他的主格和宾格 用“新鲜”的两种意思造句1.没有变质的2.不普通;少见的 句型转换.1.The boy looks like his mother.The boy句型转换.1.The boy looks like his mother.The boy___ ___his mother.2.I think studying English well is not so difficult.I___ ___not so difficult___ ___English well.3.We can repair your watch at on Look at the boy .He ( ) his mother.A.looks like B.is looking like 一道英语选择题的解释(The boy was sitting _____ his mother)The boy was sitting _____ his mother, _____ his back _____ the door. A. next to…with…to B. nearly…of…against C. close to…with…on D. near…in… Frank____his mother(is like,look like ,looks,like) a mooncake is a r______ cake We were playing soccer on the playground when it started to rain heavily. We were playing happily on the playground(同义句) We were ___ ___ on the playground