
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 06:35:31
I used to tell myself that you are e good girl .Thought you make me angry sometimes,but that is you .soI want that and hope we have happily ending.miss you all the day. 急用!急用!谁能帮我一篇初一的议论文呀!“骂”与“捧”从扼杀人才的两种手段谈起,写一篇议论文,说明对待人应有怎样的态度.可围绕“把人才当成千里马,还是当成高能电子。“包容与人 老师叫我们学写议论文,我还是不清楚该怎么写,PS: 德高望重怎么造句请尽快告诉我谢了 用德高望重造句. 我考英语四级忘记涂ab卷了. I'm having lunch.( 对havinglunch提问) I'm having my lunch改为一般过去式在加she goes to school on foot.改为一般过去式 拜求英式英语与美式英语的不同,一定要英文版的 雅思口语自己怎么练?感觉用英语和别人交流的时候老遇到一些词说不出来 以“标准”为话题的议论文要求以标准为话题,如果写成议论文,可以写哪些素材?怎么构思? 造句:无名鼠辈-------德高望重-------依然如旧可打乱顺序,不要太长,意思意思一下.可以把"依然如旧"换成"恍然大悟".记住,三个词要连在一起, They aren’t having lunch in a restaurant用often改成否定句 simon is having lunch in therestaurant now 用usully改写 单者易折文言文翻译是什么意思 up to the minute是什么意思 in the minute是什么意思他包不包括 一会儿 不久 的意思 this school is which you visit last year 是表语从句么?这句话对么? this school is which you visit last year 为什么不是表语从句? --How about coming to see me in the office tomorrow afternoon --________, but I have to meet a guest at the airport A All right        B Sounds great C No problem        D No, I am very sorry 答案是B求解释 raise the 造句句子, 英语在线翻译中文I shaii go to the chemist's the day after tomorrow in the afternoon 请用“in the minute” 造句 1.Cooking is ___________ (不仅仅) good fun.It also is ______________ (对……好) students.2.The p1.Cooking is ___________ (不仅仅) good fun.It also is ______________ (对……好) students.2.The program taught students _____________ (怎样 怎样才能创造一个好的德语口语练习的环境呢? The Turners _______a coming B.going to come afterC.are going inD.will come they get up very early because they wanted to()home after breakfast.答案不知道为什么选择leave不选clean,这事阅读里的选择题,不知道是根据翻译选的还是根据语法! 怎么样可以最快练好德语口语? “every every other 数学课的assignment上面写着1-105every other odd, two metres in height=two metres high 一样吗 It's three metres long by two metres wide..这里By是什么意思.