
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:23:18
it takes me five minutes to walk to school.句子的结构和成分都是些什么? it often takes (five minutes)to walk to school对括号里提问 查找词典用英语怎样说? 句子英翻中 take forAs people who take for granted rapid transportation and instant global communication,we can look on this ancestor as a connection to our distant past.只需要翻译逗号之前的部分就好麻烦解释take for的含义我 女人当自己强用英语怎么说 wide.light.thin.expensiwe.beautiful的比较级和最高级 我们应该做什么来提高我们的听力 的英语翻译 如何在短时间内提高英语4级听力? It uauslly takes me ten minutes (get) to school on foot.不自然的部分是填的,O(∩_∩)O谢谢. it takes me 30 minutes to school on foot可以这么说吗 it takes me 20 minutes to go to school on foot from my house.同义句转换it's a ___ ___ from my house to school. “我以微笑面对每一天”用英语怎么说 It takes only 10 minutes on foot from my to school.(改为同义句)( )only 10( ) ( ) from my home to school. 请问哪种英语字典比较好? 关于small talk的问题!最近老师上课讲了small talk,到底什么是small talk?比如small talk中常见的主题,来源,为什么外国人喜欢用这种方式,以及用处等等,越多越好, A交B会求,然后呢? 用英语写对话(small talk),反义疑问句四个情景:Two people looking through books in a bookstore.two people alone in an elevator.two people waiting in line to buy ice cream.two people waiting to crass a busy street.Make small talks.初中 small talk与a successful small talk他们的区别几例子,不要长片大论,要简洁 Some people make small talk in order to be p_____,该填什么 hurt 过去式Look at there clouds.It's going to rain.请问不可以用It will rain.thx 如图,已知AC=BC,∠C=90°,∠A的平分线AD交BC于D,过B作BE⊥AD,交AD的延长线于E,求证:BE=2分之1AD Do you know ___ to say to start small talk with people.是填what还是how? hurt 的过去式是什么? hurt的过去式是什么? hurt的过去式 如何做公益事业 英语翻译“对不起,因某些国家禁止寄递某些物品,若是因内件物品原因,造成国外海关扣押的.我们不承担任何责任,请您与收件人沟通好,确定可以邮寄的,再来办理业务.”就是上面这段话,要翻 英译汉:I don't like both of them. i don't like either of 和i don't like both of them意义是否一样?i don't like both of them并不是他俩我都喜欢。这里的not是部分否定,否定的是both. fall dress wret predict come thought make seem 的过去式过去分词以及现在进行时RT I don’t like them and Bob doesn't like them,either.(改为同义句) I don't like ____of them ,but ____of them.A) both:neither B) either :one C) all; a few D) any:few