
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 18:19:04
温馨如春的祝福语,悠美点的温馨如春的祝福语 大洋洲的河流特点现在就要,捡主要内容说. 大洋洲那里的音乐有什么特色 英语偶尔及格,偶尔过一百.想提高单词量,那么怎么提高词汇量,背英语词典有效果? 列举建国初期人民政府巩固政权的六项史实及意义如题~最好不要太罗索,也不要太少 A:Is he sitting on a football?B:No,he's not.He's sitting on a basketball.可以换成No,he isn't . 求X,U分别开头的外国城市的英文现在关键是X开头的外国城市! 讨论人际间有效沟通的障碍及其克服 句型转换 That she will come to help us encourages all of us.____ ____ to help us encourages all of us. my heart is wish you是什么意思 怀念书信的阅读答案 怀念写信的日子答案 那如果是he asked me 是he asked me what the matter was 还是he asked me what was the matter 大洋州国家为什么大多是岛国? 一元一次方程的几种形式 大洋州中的岛国 大洋洲上有多少个岛国?国家名 在下列此中,找出与subjects中的U同音的词:ruler but supermarket - - - 大洋洲的代表性国家 英语翻译有没有其他的呢?最好是独特一点的,a,i连在一起的更好, FULL Internet access、FILTERED Internet、NO Internet 过去分词作状语到底是怎么个意思啊.把 I was frightened by the loud noise.I went to see what was happening.变成Frightened by the loud noise,i went to see what was happened.为什么要这么变? Sue was frightened by the noise outside.Sue dared not sleep in her bedroom.(用过去分词做状语,将两个句子连起来)谢谢啦~ There was a big noise in the garden.The man went out to see ________.A.what is happeningB.what was happening C.what was happened D.what happens 当两个或两个以上的角有同一个顶点时,怎么用一个大写字母表示角 怀念写信的日子 妈妈说:怎么不给我写信啊 形容词+of+n?请问有这种语法吗?easy/difficult of access 容易/很难 进入 In terms of meeting the demand of the job market,students get easy access to a decent job of they have a good commend of some empirical knowledge.这里a job不对吗,我想表达的是,学生很容易找到“一份”好的工作,后面也要用job After saying that,he ____ the door quickly.A .made up B .made for C .made out D .made 造句!很easy的~“即使……便……” 用这个造句! 英语怎样才能提高?需要背英语词典吗? 造句题,easy我没有_______________________________ ,没有__________________________,没有_______________________________ ,但是____________________________.