
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:38:16
I'M going to see him at ten o'clock(变成一般疑问句)He must arrive here (at seven o'clock) (针对打括号的提问) i,m going to see afilm tomorrow 改为一般疑问句 ---I'm going to see a film with my friends.-----Shall I _____?A.come along B.come out C.come about D.come up用哪个选项?为什么? ——Your grandpa used to live a hard live when he was young ,did‘t he?——Yes .But he__much valuable life experience.A.caused B.offered C.achieved D.succeeded farm carton warm cannot 找读音不同 英语题o(∩_∩)o...,呵呵1.按要求改写句子.1.You often take a rest at 9:30.(改为反意疑问句)2.He usually has bread and milk for breakfast.(改为反意疑问句)3.Your father isn't an English teacher.(改为反意疑问句)4.(Zhang 英语题o(∩_∩)o...1.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Mr ward____(go)to teach English in Japan next year.2.A:What's your monitor doing?B:He's____(talk)with Mr Green.3.Here____(be)some new photos.Would you like to have a look at them?4.I____(tak 英语题,帮下,O(∩_∩)O谢谢用所给词适当形式填空be , play, keep, drop, find, withMy deskmate ( ) her stereo too loud. I asked her to turn it down.The Greens ( ) hanging out by the river at the moment.We ( ) that there would be an im jack is twice as bill.who is eight years younger than ben.who is four yearsyoungerthan ted.who is half as old again as old is bill?write the correct name and his age below each person.右面有四个人:111 41 3 4 1 2 3 41 2 3 41 2 3 4 1 2 德语Wie ist Ihr Vorname? 德语 viel ist 1000 durch 10?这是网站注册时的一个问题, 英语翻译a doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl.The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left.Why?能说明答案,不是,Because an apple a day keeps the doctor awa The doctor asks the girl ____ her mouth and show himher B.opening open D.opened 描写革命战士的词语 cunt和can't发音有何区别 师傅、师傅、where is my 师傅求师傅,瞬狙师傅,浙一!真心求!流扣扣、求大手、求犀利战队,各种求 where are my cookies~where is my cookies 哪个对 为什么 正确形式 His father was ill, so he went hom ______ (puick) park和garden的区别?park和garden都有公园的意思,有什么区别分别在什么情况下用这两个单词呢,最好能举例说一下 warm的发音 garden的英语读音化成汉语发过来 请问park和garden有什么区别? My Lucky star is You is my Lucky Star!这句话的语法有错吗?我是中学生 最好用中文叙述 在这句话中 Lucky和Star该不该大写? My Lucky Star是什么意识? where is 英语翻译需要翻译成国际通用的英语·要做牌子·以后旅游局要来审核的!拜托·我文盲自助餐厅B区客房 / 电梯 / 自助餐厅洗手间 / 零点餐厅/ 总台服务 要国际通用的···酒店指示 打电话时,询问对方“您听的到我说话吗?”如何翻译? What can i do it what do you do .haw can I do it MY HUSBAND IS LIKE WOMAN'S MAN 英语改句求助(新概念3原题)EXCERCISE的3,4,5,