
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 08:15:18
but hasn't been given a chance.是什么时态的语句 he hasn't come yet是什么时态? 1、David hasn't come yet.I think he will ———soon.A、turn on B、turn off C、turn down D、turn up改错:2、Over time computers have changed quite a lot.3、I could “think”logical and produce an answer quicker than any person. 选择:could you tell me ____this is the house that David ___?A if lives B whether,lives inc that lives D which lives in 希望能有详细解析,这是一道中考仿真题, This must be a _________ house.It is very old and no one lives in it.A.desered B.desert C.to deser D.deserting The girl whom lives in this house is our friend.(改错) 请问Who is it who lives in that big house? 钢笔字怎么写的好钢笔太难写了,要是不小心碰到旁边刚写的字的话,又糊了.怎么写得好? He wants to buy his __(nineteeen)computer. His father lets him to buy a kitten.这句话对吗 花的名字,据说是热带才有的花.如图,求这种花的名字. 我在找这个花的名字有谁知道这个花叫什么名字吗 寻找一百种花的名字.一、不可以带“花”这个字.二、必须是两个字的. It is not known whether/if they will come today.It is not known whether/if they will come 还是 It is not to known whether/if they will come 有哪些词组组合法(英语) 写两个等字开头的成语. The shops were too crowded 对 too crowded 进行提问!i walked back to zhe hotel 改为同义句第一个回答第二个回答者对 第二个回答 第一个回答者对 怎么选呢? some other animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something什么意思?急! 向日葵是完全花吗 为什么向日葵的花总是朝着太阳? 向日葵的花公式是什么 这是什么花?俗称向阳花 小红看一本书,第一天看了38页,第二天看了46页,第二天比第一天多看了全书的2/15,这本书共多少页? he decided to buy a new house 改为同义怎么改 为什么一张纸不可以对折超过9次? 完成我的家庭作业花费了我半小时 it()me half an hour ()()my homework what can i do for you?i`d like to buy a present for my son,___ at a proper price but of great use.a` one b`the one c`which d`that为什么b c d是错的? I spent half an hour_______my book. 有46朵花,平均分成几束,每束至少2朵,共有多少种分法? 有5朵花,每行摆3朵,有几种摆法?用画*表示出来 有86朵花,平均分成几束,每束至少2朵,共有多少种分法? The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they______ of cold and hunger.A.would die B.will die C.would be dead D.would have died为什么选D 不选A