
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:05:25
Let's have a look ---the new house ----him填空 Let's go and have ( ) his new CDs.A.look atLet's go and have ( ) his new CDs.A.look at B.a look at C.a look D.the look at 自由女神像一手拿火炬,还有一只手干什么? 红叶校服厂生产一批校服,已知一件上衣一身与两只袖管刚好配套,做上衣衣身一件要8尺布,做一只袖管要2尺布,现有300尺布.(1)用多少尺布做一身,多少尺布做袖管管正好配套?(2)可做多少件上 红叶校服厂生产一批校服,已知一件上衣衣身与两只袖管刚好配套,做一件上衣衣身要8尺布,一只袖管2尺布,现在有300尺布.用多少尺布做衣身多少尺布做袖管正好配套 加工一批校服要求一周完成 3天完成这批衣服的2/5 照这样的速度计算,能完成任务吗? 张老板从校服工厂用每件50元进了一批校服,将每件衣服提高50%标价,问每件校服的标价是多少元.列得____________ I'm going to buy some postcards / Sunday morning少写了!对不起各位。以下为全部问题,谢谢!找出错误 改过来 谢谢答对的、满意的 50分!I'm going to buy some postcards / Sunday morning She wants to be a police offic -I'm going to Hangzhou for a holiday.-____you are there,can you buy me some green tea?答案有while和when 应该选哪个?请解释下理由 书面表达 假设你叫埃米(Amy),请根据下列信息写一封电子邮件给你的朋友告诉他们你一天的生活.6:30 a.m.Get up 3:30 p.m.Play sports6:45 a.m.Have breakfast 4:45 p.m.Go home7:00 a.m.Go to school 6:30 p.m.Have supper7:4 假设你是中学生Amy,你美国的笔友Tom给你发了e-mail想知道你喜欢的食物.请给他回一封e-mail,介绍一下你喜爱的食物,饮品和水果等.不少于60词. 魔方最快的纪录是多少啊? 人的身高和人跳得高度成正比例吗 世界上谁转魔方转的最快?如果不按照算转出来多长时间,而是最快一秒钟转多少转算,最快的人一秒钟转多少转呢?我最快一秒钟转了12转有没有机会破世界记录? 怎样才算正比例 It seemed more pleasant to listen to. 不定式做什么成分? 怎样才算正比例反比例,有什么固定的式子吗, 五阶魔方公式.拼完中心以后,十二条边的.我不会四阶只会三阶.不要网站,不要视屏,有图最好. 一个不规则的半球体,类似于倒扣在地面上的碗.高度是2.7m,底面圆直径是8.76m,请问表面积应该怎么算? x-y=0,x和y不成正比例() x-y=0 x和y不成正比例 对或错 He seemed to be half man and half bird的同义句 求解Still everyone seemed to be bored的同义句 may i has some cookies.哪里错了?快、 I offen hellp my mother____(do;doing)the house work.横线上填什么? I am helping my mother( )housework.A do B doing C is doing 英语翻译1.I heard__my friend in England two days ago.2.The party is__Mr Zhang,our favorite teacher.3.She has a new idea__how to make a paper car.4.__the end of this year,they will go back to their hometown.5.Please let me know__Friday if you can 关于介词用法,请翻译以下句子----the extensive coverage in the popular media of the destruction of rainforests,little formal information is available about children's ideas in this area.A.Except B.Beyond C.Though D.Despite 答案是 In fact,I am a very ordinary person!The heart is very fragile.Need is not high also!Just so jus翻译 The bank is on the corner of the___ of Fengshou Road and Zhoushan Road. -Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?-No,( ).But you can find one in Yang Fang roadA.there isn'tB.it isn'tC.they aren'tD.there is catch up with my classmates