
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:24:39
仿写一段歌词,仿写大刀进行曲既可以表达自己对世界和平的美好祝愿,也可以写写自己对战争的新认识 romeo and juliet中的音乐romeo and juliet后现代中的二人相遇的歌 寻找此音乐的钢琴谱,谢谢(罗密欧与茱莉叶Romeo And Juliet:Balcony Scene ) 在古代文化常识中,有许多特殊却又常见的地理文化知识,下列词语中,请任选四个进行解释 阴 阳 河 江 山东山西 江表 江左 是ask sb to do 还是ask sb do呢?Our teacher asks us ____(not be) late for school.应该如何填 求英语例子 1、agree to do sth (接不定式做宾语) 2、ask sb to do求英语例子1、agree to do sth (接不定式做宾语)2、ask sb to do sth (接不定式做宾补)3、allow doinh sth (接动名词做宾语)4、bring sb ------It is a photo of ________ at the age of five.------How pretty they are!A.Lily`s and Lucy`s------It is a photo of ________ at the age of five.------How pretty they are!A.Lily`s and Lucy`s \x05\x05B.Lily and Lucy`s C.Lily and Lucy \x05\x05\x05D.L The child himself drew this picture.this picture是状语修饰drew The child himself的himself是主语的同位语吗? 自信对于一个人有什么作用呢?如题 inventory是什么意思 给自己自信的理由一一请用一句话写一写自己的优点 英语,改同义句:He could read when he was five and he could write at the age of seven.He could英语,改同义句:He could read when he was five and he could write at the age of seven. He could read when he was five and he was a () to write b He ( ) the age of 75.He ( ) the age of 75.选项:A、died at B、died on C、 dead at D、dead on 希望能顺便分析一下每个选项 为什么说中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命是资产阶级性质的革命? 翻译句子life is measured by thought and action,not by time 找个歌 里面带Romeo Juliet 是个英文歌 我记得每句最后一句话都是YES 之类的 certificate of acceptance test怎么翻译 desire 有这个词组吗Jane had prepared carefully for her English exam so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_____A intention B attampt C purpose D desire我查了牛津字典,好像没有这个用法啊,怎么回事? certificate of quality &weight and phytosanitary certificate issued by china Entry &Exit inspectionand quarantine authorities shall be provided to the buyers.the quality and weight certified in the certificateds are to be taken as final.帮忙翻译 The twin brothers piay baseball outside.对outside提问 Millie is one of the( )(short)students in her class. the certificate of NON CEMAC AUTHORIZATION 是什么?我是做外贸的、 南辕北辙里的坐车人什么时候才能到楚国? 故事南辕北辙中的那个要去楚国的人,他能到达楚国的三个条件是写他的错误哦,我写没有写完整哦,误会了哦, 南辕北辙 中的那个要去楚国的人认为一定能到楚国的三个理由是我要的是三个理由! 南辕北辙 这则寓言,我很为那个区楚国人着急,想对他说:“ ” 读了《南辕北辙》,我想对那个去楚国的人说: 作文《我的中国梦》怎么写?不要复制别人的~快 兄弟希腊语怎么写,要缩写的 我要类似《手指》的作文,不要复制别人的,我要写伞的,含有道理的, glower和grow中的ow发音一样吗 求一本顺序介绍埃及王朝 法老的书.顺序介绍古代埃及王朝更替和法老更替的书.