
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:11:23
something that changed my life in ways that,如何分析句子成分感谢二位朋友的回答。完整的句子是:Sometheing really,really bad happened to me,something that changed my life in ways that,if I had my option,it would never have been “这个秘密后来被敌人发现了”如何划分句子成分? 1--9题选什么 英语 关于化学高一第二学期的计算题.SO2和O2的混气在催化剂及高温高压下反应,在T与P不变时,混气体积减少了3升,则生成S03体积为多少升. "全"在古文中有几种意思,分别是什么?神人们能想出几个说几个! The Gate of Fortune,from ( ) top tourists can enjoy a wonderful view,接上句:will attract lots of tourists.A.its B.whose C.where D.which 正确答案是B,请给详解,着重讲讲为什么不能选C. _______wonderful night views!The tourists exclaimed on the Bund.HowHow aWhatWhat a 01—the River Hotel is located on the River Thames with views of the river and picturesque Richmond,which is perfectly situated for visits to London and to many local places of interest,such as Hampton Court Palace and the Royal Botanic Gardens at K if you want to enjoy the beauty of the river,you can ( )it you can enjoy the sea of clouds ,wonderful trees and rocks_____you. 英语翻译春节是中国的最重要的节日,被用来庆祝农历新年和春天的到来.届时,一家人聚到一起,共享盛宴.在有些地方,人们会做一些好吃的来纪念亡灵.另外,在春节期间,人们会身着盛装去拜访 高一有什么好的习题书我是山东济南的,今年即将上高一了,希望各位学哥学姐们给我推荐好的习题参考书,(习题书+辅导书) 暑假预习高一物理必修1用哪本习题书比较好啊 英语翻译温家宝是中国的总理,他不是特别高,不是特别帅.但是在我心中,他是最伟大的.在这次地震中,他带领着人们抗震救灾,是我们中国的好总理! the moon is a small satellite是什么意思?同上 There is ) "s" in the small是 a 还是 an 51Talk无忧英语的价格怎么样啊?像我这样穷人家的孩子可以承担的起么? 怎样才能更好的通过多点建议 浙江会考 各科的时间安排 信息技术是高一.那高二上下学期各考什么啊 英语翻译Tradition represents Homer as blind,and as reciting his poems as he travelled from place to place.The principal poems which are accredited to Homer,are the Iliad and the Odyssey,and these stand as the greatest epics of any age. 英语翻译内容:景观生态学原理在城市绿地系统规划中的应用.随着景观生态学的发展,其在城市绿地系统的规划中越来越能够起到不可替代的作用.本文通过对景观生态学原理内涵的分析及城 i hope that your advice is worth (采纳)这里能不能用taking啊?八点前结束我的意思是这里的采纳能不能用taking,不是问语法啊 I hope that I can see you in my birthday,I thinking it ereryday I hope that I can see you in my birthday,I thinking it ereryday 天下无双, 天下无双,九岁黄香 古时流传一句话“天下无双,九岁黄香”,这句话意在称赞( ). 黄香温席里的,《文言文读本》. 昔汉时黄香,江夏人也.的译文 英语翻译A nurse took a tired solider(士兵)to an old man.“You son is here,” she told the old man.The old man could only dimly(模糊)see the young solider.He reached out his hand .The solider tightly held the old man’s hand.The nurse broug 陆绩怀橘的翻译和原文 12.[英语问题]有关判断正误的英语问题(1)Germany began to force the Jews in the country to move into a certain area.这句话中的force··to do错了吗? 陆绩怀橘翻译 英语问题(判断正误)My name is Kate .I am thirteen.I am a student in Grade one. At home I like to help mother .One day mother is cooking. She says to me ,"I want you to wash dishes.""OK,Mum."I carry the dishes and put them into a basin.I wa