
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 06:50:38
“晟英”的英文名,并作出解释,可以是造的词!公司英文名,所以要大气,并作出相应的解释 give a call与 get a call与 make a call的用法 孟轲是( )圣,陆羽是( )圣,杜康是( )圣,吴道子是( )圣,张仲景( )圣. "我不是骗人的"英文翻译 快点啊啊啊啊 “(John和 Mary)的孩子 ”与“John和(Mary的孩子)”的英文表达有何区别 would you please pass me today's newspaper?A yes,please.B here you are c you are welcome 选哪个为什么B不对呢 Excuse me,is there a library near hear?(改为同义句)Excuse me,is there a library ____ ____ ___? Is there a restaurant near here ? 改同义句 Is there a restaurant _____ _____ _____ 求英语老师改作文.第一个小作文15分.期待指导 Mary和john怎么读 4个John Mary医生怎么说 英语翻译爱是一个陷阱 这一句 怎么用英文说? 英语翻译第一是:the computer that the man develope internet第二是:the computer that the man develope on the internet Perter and John 是Mary的什么是朋友还是兄弟 you make the 南阳家乡 特产作文求写南阳特产作文一篇,450字左右! make the call是否等于make a resolution? make the ransom call (求翻译) 按对话意思完成句子.Mary:Hello!John's sister:Hello!_____________________.Mary:This is Mary?Mary:Hello!John's sister:Hello!_____________________.Mary:This is Mary?_____________________.John's sister:_____________________ ,John is doing homewor He ____ a docyor when he grows up.(A.is B.will C.is going to be ) he is going to be a doctor when he grows up(a doctor画线,对画线部分提问) _______he__________to do when he grows up What is your borther going to be when he grows up?70字英语作文 怎么写好作文?帮我修改一下人们都说“这些残疾人真讨厌,每次都找我要钱.”“看到这些四肢不全的人我就觉得恶心.”我可不这么认为.为什么呢?因为……人家不会说话的聋哑可怜女孩可以 yoyo is going to be an actress when she grow up改否定句 What is Jane going to be when she grows up?这个句子根据“主将从现”,grow不应加s,为啥在句子中加a? 牺牲阳极法的原理是什么? 电子除垢的工作原理是什么效果怎么样如题. 英语书上n.意思 这篇文章的中文意思是什么?(请英文高手回答,)Here is a heart-warming story to help you fight the freezing weather.Two weeks ago,Ted Williams was homeless and begging for change on the streets of Columbus in Ohio,USA.Now his fortunes 张仲景是医圣华佗是什么圣是不是应该是药圣呢?可他也不是呀!只是听说张仲景药房没听说过华佗药房啊! 吴道子,张仲景分别是什么圣 王羲之,杜甫,吴道子,张仲景是什么圣?