
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 02:28:33
Why don't you ask her for help 同义句转换 You______ ______ask her for help. 求萧伯纳_皮格马利翁英文介绍(120字左右)谢谢! 怎么读萧伯纳 you look beautiful ( ) in/on this new dress这个介词该填什么? 单项选择 You look _ in this dress.A.well B.nice C.tired D.wonderfully How do I look _this dress A on B for C in快 中国东海岸用英语怎么说 u look beautiful____ this dress.A.on D.for 我觉得是C,谢过! 翻译:他介绍了一位又一位著名的体育明星.令观众惊讶的是,姚明也出现在了舞台上. why don't you go and ask him for help? --- Why don’t you ask him for help?You _____ be good friends.--- We have disagreements and we haven’t talked to each other for a long time.A.are used to B.are used for C.are used as D.used to选什么?并说明理由. The dress looks nice ____(介词)you You look handsome _____(介词)the dress 加上理由 意大利语好的朋友进来!这是佩鲁贾外国人大学的主页!可是我意大利语还不好看不懂怎么注册!意大利语好的朋友们帮我看看在哪页注册吧!嗯,我不是马可的.你给的这个是注册什么的?我想要申 You dress look rery nice的中文意思 懂意大利语的朋友进来帮帮忙!谢谢了!Pagamento effettuato scusate il contrattemposchwarze batteriecover vorhanden?ciao.ti volevo ringraziare per la cover del ds lite e arrivata,e scusami se riscrivo in italiano ma e la mia compagnia che 会意大利语的朋友们进来一下……就是说吧……我想知道意大利语中的自由和权利的音译是什么……看清楚哦……是音译……不是单词……………………就是音译中………………谢谢大家啦 懂意大利语的朋友进来看看Abbiate cura quello che possedete这句话什么意思呢? Is that quilt yellow?做否定回答 ,. Is that quilt yellow (做否定回答) ( ),( ) ( ).一个括号一个单词 That’s a yellow quilt.(一般问句,肯定回答) 8 His first name is Jim.(一般问句,否定回答) 9 Are yoThat’s a yellow quilt.(一般问句,肯定回答)8 His first name is Jim.(一般问句,否定回答)9 Are you Mike?(肯定回答) 10 A 我爸爸在警察局工作 翻译英文 This is a yellow quilt.对yellow quilt提问 ( 我爸爸的工作有点危险 翻译句子 If you look i( ) this lake,you will see beautiful coral. 这句话的时态怎么判断?When I got on the bus,my sister said to me,"I hope you ______ what I have told you to buy."A.didn't forget B.don't forget C.won't forget D.haven't forgotten 什么的萧伯纳 萧伯纳的名言有哪些 萧伯纳的趣答有一次宴会前的演讲中,当轮到长得很瘦的萧伯纳发言时,一个大腹便便的资本家却先讥笑他说:“啊,萧伯纳先生,一见到您,我就知道世界上正在闹饥荒.”萧伯纳微微一笑,答说:“ 会意大利语的来 .Ave Maria,Madre di Dio.sia santificato il tuo nome; sia fatta la tua volontà ,amen!周杰伦以父之名说的几句祷告,帮我用中文打出它们的发音, 来个会意大利语的.不要翻译器 这是我朋友写的篇日志 翻译下non c`e male due mesi Io sono molto bene. 会意大利语的进!perché ora non c'è quel tuo sorriso per me 谁会意大利语啊能不能告诉我这个访谈大概讲的是什么内容