
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 20:29:03
i am goingto make a special meal for my brother 对my brother提问 汉语的谐音怎么读啊? 程控电压衰减器的书籍 It might seem that speaking politely is most difficult than being direct That might seem strict.变同义句 ____ seems that might ____ strict.各位大大帮个忙哦,谢. You might try to talk more politely.请翻译一下此句话, 请谁给翻译这是什么酒,及产地JIM BEAM BLACK BEAM.CLERMONT FRANKFORT.KENTUCKY UCA The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent __at the end oF last MaA.has been launchedB.having been launched为什么不选A呢?the most recent 不是指一个吗?还有为什么B项是ing形式呢? there were more friends where he came from .这句话怎么理解? There'S More Where That Came From 歌词 "old`say''加上某一个字母,将其变成一个新词 我为男友(KOU JIAO)汉语拼音,现在我们分手了,他还会想起我吗他是第一次,我也是,但我们没有发生关系. 角斗士是jue 还是jiao. 〖07山东〗The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent ________at the end of last March.A.has been launched B.having been launched C.being launched D.to be launched I could stand to go for a bite 怎么翻译 The old lady can't hope to get over her cold in a few days翻译 英语翻译Other people disgree and think that successful sports stars make more than is fair.more than is fair 按照上下文的意思这里应该是不公平 怎么是fair呢? Christina Aguilera 的Birds of Prey歌词谁知道 Why can people catch the elephants easily? PREY OF THE JAGUAR怎么样 falcon is noe of the most widely distributed species in the world.3841 虎口余生 PREY OF THE JAGUAR怎么样 He insisted that he____the bike and therefore____.选项:A.shouldn't steal;shouldn't be punishedB.hadn't stolen;shouldn't be punishedC.didn't steal;hadn't been punishedD.not steal;not be punished I'm not kind or mature enough to show a friendly smile with someone I hate. 并列词语之间是否能用逗号? I was tired enough,please do not let me where can I listen to VOA?RT where can I listen to American radios except VOA,CNN?where can I listen to American radio except VOA,CNN? where can i listen to有无语法错误?我可以在哪听 意思是这样的 the music (where i listen) 还是(which i listen to)或是别的什么 2A+2B=2C+2D都是气体,反应平衡后,增减A的量,平衡是不是不会移动,但为什么B的转化率增加了,不是平衡不2A+2B=2C+2D都是气体,反应平衡后,增减A的量,平衡是不是不会移动,但为什么B的转化率增加了, 同温同压下,下列各化学方程式中热量数值最小的是?A 2A(l)+B(l)=2C(g) B 2A(g)+B(g)=2C(g)