
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:13:07
求奥斯卡经典电影《爱情故事》(《Love story》)的英文剧本!不胜感激! 爱情故事 LOVE STORY怎么样 一个爱情故事 A LOVE STORY怎么样 为什么只有南半球有袋鼠和考拉熊? The traffic accident happened( ) a heavy rain daya.at b.in c.on d.to He had the traffic accident _____ a cold evening. 描写雪后美景的词语 写描写雪后美景的词语,急 写描写雪后美景的词语 看到雪后的景色,你想起了诗句:( )括号里要填名言警句哦! 考拉和树袋熊有什么区别?知道的人及时和我联系哦~…… 一个单词是开音节 如case 箱子 如果我吧它变成复数形式那么发音是如何的 请列出.并说出发音的规则 pens friends cases shirts skirts 复数s发音 置身于粉妆玉砌的冰雪世界,我们会想起哪句古诗? 一夜大雪把树木、道路、房屋都变白了,面对粉妆玉砌的世界,我不禁高声吟诵:“”描写这个景色的诗句! 吟咏树木的诗句有哪些? luckily,no one died in traffic accident同义句 luckilluckily,no one died in traffic accident同义句luckily,no one ______ ______ _______in the traffic accident 把下面各句的修辞手法填在括号里 山川河流树木房屋全都罩上了一层厚厚的雪万里江山变成粉妆玉砌的世界长征是宣言书长征是宣传队长征是播种机 我们怎么会把您这位朝鲜阿妈妮忘怀不 同义句转换 Nobody died in yesterday's traffic accidentThere were ( )( )in the traffic accident which pappened yesterday.括号内填什么?每空填一个词. lots people died in the traffic accident同义句 ▁ people▁ ▁ ▁in他和traffic accident 2the manman hurried into the market 同义句the man▁into the market▁ ▁ ▁ 3they didn not come to the party because the rain was heavy同义句they you miss me very much 什么意思 A traffic accident ______(happen)on the road应该填was happened还是填has happened?能否填has happened? 唐代的岑参用春风做喻,描写北方冬天大雪突降,大地一片白雪皑皑,这句诗是什么 There is a newspaper on the desk.用What提问为什么不是What is it on the desk? What's there on the desk?与 What's on the desk?区别?想把下面there be 句型改成特殊疑问句There is a pencil on the desk What's there on the desk?与 What's on the desk?区别?其中加不加there让人有点不明白? The reason is _____I was caught in a traffic accident.A.whatB.thatC.whyD.because为什么不选C? The passenger was ______ hurt in the traffic accident.(serious) the injured in the traffic accident____(take)to the hospital yesterday适当形式填空 Tom was injured in a traffic accident and is now being treated in hospital.How _____ it be When was it?A can B must C may D shall选什么,为什么? -Bruce was injured in a traffic accident. -_____.I talked with him just yesterday.A.Is that right? B.I beg your pardon? C.I see D.Oh,no!答案为什么不选B呢? 法国名胜古迹有哪些? 法国的名胜古迹(要有简单介绍)一定要简略!