
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:45:25
有人听说过防锈干燥剂吗?是所有干燥剂都可以防锈还是特定的?在哪里可以买到? VCI气相防锈纸生产厂家 那个好 What about go to the park.改错 以“My Family”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍一下你的家庭成员及他们的运动和饮食爱好. What about go to the park?从此句找出一个错. 英语作文,以My Family 为题写一篇小短文,60词左右 连词成句:going/about/park/to/to/the/what/play 我想寄封信去加拿大,有什么要特别注意的?收信人和寄信人地址都用英文吗?按什么格式? 哪位大神帮我写一篇Internet and Our Life的英语作文.要求1网络给我们的生活带来了便捷和好处.2同时,网络也带来了一些负面影响.3我们应当怎么面对网络生活. 英语作文 forest and our life 7句,多的不要. the traffic light is yellow,you may 如题,问号处填空,选项如下选项A:stop选项B:wait选项C:go What about going to the opera.(A.Excuse me B.That's good idea C.Thank you) 4.—What about going to Xili Lake?— A.What?B.I can go.C.That’s a great idea. “自我保护的健康小贴士”用英语怎么说 by underground /take an underground/take the underground to someplace 哪个对可多选 The yellow light m____ that we must wait. Take a bus By a taxi Take the underground By bike哪个更恰当 We s----- talk here ,LOOK,it's-----now.Can we go now -----.The yellow light---we should wait..----------代表让你填空,s----- 表示字母提示的. We must wait at a yellow light.We should boey the traffic r______.A s_____ sells things.Lily's home is near the school,so she w_____ to school every day.在扩号内补充单词. 英语翻译分别将高支撑架上四个弹簧销拉出,顶住集装箱内壁并进行插销定位(防止动态过程料架的两侧滑动)用固定夹将主料架(箱门口)连接地板卡住.(防止运输过程中前后活动空隙) How many people are there in the room? How many __________(people) are there in the __________(read) room? "我的共享"英文最恰当的译法 There are many people in my room.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答) 英语翻译同时PLC还对显示器、键盘电路及报警电路进行良好地控制,使医务人员能够方便的修改换血速度,同时能够及时处理在换血过程中遇到的输液管堵塞或者产生气泡等问题.换血仪的应用 Does he _____ a bus____?A.take;home B.taking;home C.take;to home D.taking;to home I take a taxi home----home用在这里对吗? It was late,so we decided to take a taxi home.home在本句中是单独的吗?有相同用法的例句最好了~ YOU CAN TAKE A BUS OR TAKE A TAXI TO MY HOME还有sit up什么意思和look up How many________ (China) are there in the room? 请教硅橡胶挤出机与普通橡胶挤出机有什么区别不好意思,能不能给我讲细一点。 You can take a taxi go there.(改为同义句)