
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 01:22:41
THE days get shorter and nights longer 是否有语病少一个get,是否可以成立 who do you think will take _ office next month and become _ president of that country?A.the;a B.a;/ C.the;the D./;/ Who will be the next President? The people of this nation will_______(choose) the new president next week. I think Tom,as the head of a big department,should either study regularly quit his jobeither or 连接并列主语 谓语动词就近原则 那为什么study和quit不用三单形式·· 说的不是TOM吗?·· 应该三单呀! 这个字拼音怎么写!拼音怎么写呢! I will give ___students___minutes to finish the composition.A.the other;other twoB.the other;tow more C.others; another twoD.other;two other 没有看到还是?1) I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another fiveC.other; five more D.other; more five2)______did you sleep last night?______I was reading too late I will give _____ students ______ minutes for them to finish their practiceA the other other two B the other two moreC other another two D other two another You did avery good job .Then I will give()students()minutes to finish their exercisesA the other ; five more B the other ; other five C other ;five more D other; more five说清理由 Are these your friends?Yes,( )are.A.this B.tAre these your friends?Yes,( )are.A.thisB.thatC.they Gao hong,__is this?This is a __of my family.Are these your parents?Yes,___are.My father is 40,and my ___is 38.who___the man?The man?In a white jacket?____.Oh,____my uncle.And this is my aunt.She's___English teacher. 关于扫把星(扫帚星)我在百科里看到说扫把星是彗星但是我小时候看到过 像扫帚一样的星星 看的非常清楚就真的是一个扫帚 是在北面(稍偏西),是静止不动的 尾巴指向某一方向(方向 Could you _________earlier tomorrow,mum?I don't want to be late.A.wake me up B.wakes me up C.wake up wake up Tell me about school,Lily? OK,Mum.What do you want to____ ( to,for )I want to buy a sweater _______Mum and give it _____her tomorrow.横线上填什么 we often c____ at lunchtime Tell me about school,Lily?OK,Mum.What do you want to我喜欢颜色,像红色,蓝色和白色I like ___ ___ ___red,blue,white大约在5点我回家做作业.About at 5 I ____ ____and____ ____ ____吃晚饭怎么说 怎样系鞋带可以使鞋带不容易松,又方便系? 鞋带松了.英语怎么说?Your shoelace is untied.你的鞋带松了.我认为untied在这里不可用,untie 有解开,松开之意. 鞋带老是松怎么办?鞋带是扁鞋带,刚系紧,一会会就松了,感觉摩擦力不够,卡不住望有心人帮解决o(∩_∩)o Do you enjoy traveling,why or why not ? 英语口语回答,约Do you enjoy traveling,why or why not ? 英语口语回答,约两三分钟, 以Do you like traveling with your parents?为话题来写一篇英语的作文 .Do you enjoy ( ) English? read C.reads D.reading选哪个,为什么? Are these your bananas?yes,they are-------------(用适当的物主代词填空) tell、say(过去式) 严这个字咋么读 13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another five C.other; five more D.other; more five14.I called you just now,but you weren’t in -Sorry,I ______ the reading room.A.was 广泛阅读书本的词是什么?快 I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another five C.other; five more D.other; more five 根据意思写词语 广泛的阅读各种书根据意思写词语1、广泛的阅读各种书 ( )2、称心如意,感到非常满意( )3、一副受惊而愣住的样子( )4、张着嘴巴说不出话来( )5、因害羞脸上发红 I will give ___ students___ minutes for them to finish their exercise. 请问本题选择什么13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise13.I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exerciseA.the other; other five B.the other; another five C.other; five more