
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:05:41
1、A:Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the post office?B:__________.(2分) A、Donˊt as After having spent whole mornings on the river和After spenting whole mornings on the river这两名话有什么区别? 雅思口语问题,how important to you in the colour of clothes 英文翻译:“Are you important to my picture ?” clothes and fashionplease write the meaning of the following expressions and then write a sentence using the expression in English;1.handmade_____________________________2 secondhand__________________________3 baggy____________________________4 brand do you always follow fashion when buying clothes for yourself?explain用英文回答 成立农业合作社的条件有哪些? 农业合作社的建立对农村的发展有什么积极作用农业合作社的建立对农村的发展有什么积极的作用. Could you tell me the way to __ Johnson's,please?Sorry,we don't have __Johnson here in the villageA.the;a B.不填;the 这两个选哪个?为什么呢? 农业合作社成立的好处与意义是什么 “你也是8号吗?”用英语翻译Are you ----- 8,------------? he always goes to the home withs an empty bag1.go to什么时候可以省略to,什么时候不可以?2.为什么要加the,可以省略吗? After having spent whole mornings on the river,这句话spent后可不可以加the 重谢!大哥大姐们,俺急求有关“桥”的成语、古诗词! 手抄报咋画?快 种植业与养殖业属于不属于农牧业 英译中:Always leave room in your bag for buying presents on the way home. 农业合作社怎么办 农业合作社怎么办理我想联系几家养殖户办个合作社,但不知道怎么办理,不知道能争取到养殖资金吗? 农业合作社的作用?如何了解到农村合作社的全部信息? 两个人在做操 What are the students doing?They ( ) ( ) morn-ingg exercises. The students are doing to help the old men.(就划线部分提问) The students是划了线.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the old men? help help help 鏁板?鏃嬭浆闂??鍦≧t鈻矨BC涓?鈭燗CB=90掳,鈭燗=40掳,浠ョ洿瑙掗《鐐笴涓烘棆杞?腑蹇?灏嗏柍ABC鏃嬭浆鍒扳柍A鈥睟鈥睠鐨勪綅缃?鍏朵腑A鈥层€丅鈥插垎鍒?槸A銆丅鐨勫?搴旂偣,涓 D.E.C.A.是什么的简写 请以“剑”开头,说几句成语最好结尾的字比较难 剑开头的成语 剑字能组成什么成语 第一个字是剑的成语 3.9D真三 大地怎么拉龙?RT 魔兽争霸真三的大地如何拉龙? 各位高手帮写篇英语作文要求:我的意见 100字 1)Help with each other是英式用法还是美式用法?2)是help each other 还是help with each other