
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 19:11:05
英语翻译1.招领:钥匙一串.请打电话给玛丽,号码为34346677.(翻译成英语)2.He has pair of new Pants.(改为否定句)3.I find (Lynn's)yellow coat.(对括号里面部分提问)4.That’s an ID card.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定 改错:What does Jack often spend his weekends? 文献综述的外文文献要到哪里找?是关于税务稽查的外文文献我知道啊 可是都是英文的。。。。。。。可是税务稽查外国怎么叫的。。准确的英文是什么。。 英语翻译Generation Y and the Post 80s’ Culture Identity:A Cross Cultural PerspectiveAbstract:The study examined culture identification of Generation Y and the Post 80s with measurements integrating Western mindsets as well as Oriental wisdom.Th 写文献综述时,要引用外文文献,应该直接引用原文吗?比如我写的是中文的,要引用英文文献,用翻译成中文吗? 英语翻译I need 3400 PCS Lockers in steel structure electro galvanized piece of steel,ensuring perfect 8/10th rigidity.The steel doors with electro galvanized 10/10 padlock. 英语翻译 求洛神赋赏析,求洛神赋赏析,最好详细点.有很多字不知道发音.带注释的. 什么是想象力麻烦告诉我 浅谈如何在绘本阅读中培养孩子的想象力麻烦告诉我 想象力是否会随着年龄的增长而降低?最好有统计数字).跪谢== 翻译They plan to issue corporate bonds which can be either repaid or converted into shares. I don't want什么意思 英语翻译“STAY HUNGRY.STAY FOOLISH” 最好的汉语翻译是什么?我最早看到这句话的翻译是:求知若渴,虚心若愚.“STAY HUNGRY.STAY FOOLISH” 最好的汉语翻译是什么?我最早看到这句话的翻译是:求知若 Stay hungry,stay foolish.如何译? Jack decided______and ______fun with his friend.A、to go;have B、to go;having C、going having D、going;have 我是一名机械加工师傅,想向你了解下镀铬工艺 机械加工 铸造 合金 老师请进锌合金的强度怎么样 可以加工内丝 压力小于1mpa的外连接管我要加工一个铸件 因为表面要求较高 量不大 所以我想用 锌合金1 模具便宜 溶点底 橡胶模具即可2 表 信捷plc控制信捷伺服电机正反转怎么老是一个方向啊DDRVA D0 D2 Y0 Y4 将y4set,伺服不转怎么控制方向啊 4 whole chicken legs,split into drumsticks and thighs是什么意思 His colleague can split water into hydrogen and oxygen when_____(place) into a bucket of water这里为什么填placed呢?为什么it is 没有了? 汽车发电机带有w线柱,车上没有了转速表信号,怎么修法? 奥匈帝国为什么会分裂? 他在学习上取得了很大进步.He has made_________in his studies . 翻译:今天他在学习上取得了很大进步.He has made _____ ______ ______ his studies. 奥匈帝国瓦解与那些国家独立有关?为什么? It means you shouldn't walk on the grass.(改为同义句) It means you—— keep off the grass.求速解TvT These days he has made ()in his studies by working hardA.many progressB.a lot of progressesC.much progressD.many a progress 奥匈帝国分裂时间 we shouldn't keep off the grass 哪里有病句 adverse,reverse,opposite,contrary.这四个单词的意思如何区分. 一战以后奥匈帝国分成了几个国家?