
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:00:11
直径是6厘米的管道4个,用绳子捆绑起来,绳子至少需要多少米? 地形的缓慢变化科学,急 地形变化的力量来自哪里?地形的变化更多的是处于剧烈还是缓慢的变化之中? I've made it 怎么读?I've 读作 I have 还是另外有读法? this Koala likes to eat leaves为什么eat不加s? the girl in red spoke at the meeting yesterday.(对划线部分提问)____ ____ ____at the meeting yesterday? 如何认识亚里士多德的观点? I eat too much and exercise little these days,so I have put on weight. In yesterday's meeting the manager didn't go into details of the project ,he spoke( )A.in spoke B.in common C.in all D.in general请给出原因 you spoke at the meeting yesterday .didn,t you 的意思 Who spoke ___the meeting yesterday afternoon? 有个句子I mustn't have too much potato because I'm on a diet.potato不是可数名词吗? he just took it 的意思一楼是的 He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows请问这句话什么意思? 亚里斯多德对落体运动快慢的观点(急)如题 he found it hard _ his ciass .A.tocatch up with B.to catch up C.catch up with D.catch up in the middle of the night还是night前没有the? he found it hard _(catch up with) his classmates.怎么填 为什么? 85度c的事知道85的拿破仑吗,想知道它的配方啊!还有那个帕玛森乳酪,真蛮不错,想知道配方啊!拜托了 我叫陈妍,叫什么英文名好呢?一定要地道一点哦~要和我的名字有联系。 What sbout this ruler?改为同义句 我叫孙凌,求高手帮我想个英文名,好听的,有气质些, It's Lisa's.的同义句是什么? 在这个图中,阴影部分占整个图形的 莎士比亚的(凯撒大帝)中谁才是真正的主角?为什么?到底是Caesar呢,还是Brutus?为什么? 康梁属于资产阶级维新派,保皇派,改良派,立宪派吗?它们有阶段吗? What 什么什么 this ruler? 罐头为什么会过期?不是与空气隔绝了么? 何为空气罐头? Do not charity friendship,I hate you 求讲解.Laws that punish parents for their little children's actions ..Laws that punish parents for their little children's actions against the laws get parents worried.①求断句.②求翻译.③什么情况下用worrying?求举例!④求句型 什么是空气罐头