
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 06:13:30
John dosen't like football but he likes music very much A so do I B Neither do I C so it is with meD so will I 面对困难坚强不屈的人物故事 ( B ) A:What would you like playing,volleyball or basketball?B:Neither.I like football.A:I l( B )A:What would you like playing,volleyball or basketball?B:Neither.I like football.A:I like playing football,too.Let's go to play football sometime,shall w ---I like football.---____my sister and me.A.So do B.So are C.So did D.So it is with个人觉得应该选A,毕竟前面只有一种情况,但考虑到选项后面有宾格me,又不确定是否要选D. i like football.i do not like volleyball A so do i B neither do i C so it is with me D so is it with me 下图等腰三角形一腰上的中线将这个等腰三角形长分成15和16两部分,求这个等腰三角形的腰和底边长! 一定要回答.急.锐角三角形ABC中,∠A=50°,AC,BC两边的垂直平分线(不是角平分线)交与O,则∠BOC=_____. 英语翻译Usher的歌 英语翻译在百度百科看到歌词,觉得很乱,麻烦哪位好人帮我顺序翻译一下.要顺序翻译的哦 英语翻译求翻译疯眼的Hey girl歌词,也就是我叫MT第二季的片尾曲 歌曲hey porsche中文歌词翻译 If you don't go,neither_____.A.shall I B.do I C.I do D.I shall If you don't go,neither shall I 还是 neither do I If you don't go to the cinema,___.A neither do I B.nor shall I 这两个答案不同参考书都出现过 if you don''t go to that school,___________.A neither shall I B.Nor do I C.so do I D.neither do 1.If you don't go to that school ,_____.A.neither shall I B.nor do I C.neither do I2.The women ___ is so nervous that she can't express herself clearly.A.having interviewed B.to be interviewed C.being interiewed3.My son set out ____questions when set 1、如果方程组:2x-y=8p 的解是方程3x-7y=35的解,那么p的值是( ).4x+7y=7pA.0 B.1 C.2 D.32、若满足方程组3x+5y=a+2 的x与y的和是2,则a=____.2x+3y=a这些题目的答案我都知道、只是忘记思路了.大家帮帮忙、答 9.一个多边形去掉一个内角后得到的多边形内角和为25200,则原多边形是边形.9.一个多边形去掉一个内角后得到的多边形内角和为2520°,则原多边形是几边形。 英语六级与考研英语比较哪个简单,我四级过了,准备考研,如果六级过了会不会考研比较轻松? 这个不是向量平行定理嘛,此题是共线呀? 平行线的判定定理和性质定理练习题难题悬赏100,加急一、填空 1.如图1,已知∠1 = 100°,AB∥CD,则∠2 =_,∠3 =_ ,∠4 = _.2.如图2,直线AB、CD被EF所截,若∠1 =∠2,则∠AEF +∠CFE =_.3.如图3所 求关于苏州的古诗词!尽量短一点!尽量短一点!尽量多几首! 古诗词、短的啦,短、在短、 有关描写长江的古诗(短一点)完整的 英语翻译这句和He wanted to visit China,so did she. try to, manage to ,attempt to ,want to有什么区别 He wants neither to work nor does he want to pay the monthli bills哪里错了 Neither you nor I am going to deliver it to the customer. 粤教版物理必修一p81实践与拓展第2题题目是:我们知道,质量不同的物体所受重力也不同,但做自由落体运动的物体的加速度均为g.这一结论似乎表明加速度与物体受力和物体质量都没有关系, 帮我分析一下下面这句英语,You should have a design goal to reduce the relevance of thecalling user the further an activity is from the user interface. 考研线代这么多定理怎么办 新年快乐,恭喜发财,用用英语怎么说了?