
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:14:52
(子息两硬缝过房)是什么意思? wo are going to has a basketball match.这个句子错在那里,并改正?标出错在哪 子息两硬逢过房是什么意思? 对外汉语教学 错误分析··有这么个东西的?和偏误分析有多大不一样啊? 偏误分析 有人知道对外汉语教学中,对比分析的定义是什么么?如题,是定义.百度没有的,知道的人请来回答下, 工程地质报告里的 渗透系数(6.7E-04) 表示什么 我有一篇短文改错题想请教大家.烦请高人给出正确答案并说明原因.Before he was a teacher,Bob told me what he 1____would like to be a lwyer when he was at school.2____He had worked very hard at his lessons and tried 3____enter Can you shou your pictures to us?同义句 Can you 2个空 your pictures? You have a lot of nice pictures. a lot of nice ___(dish)联系上下文这里是菜肴的意思,是复数dishes还是单数dish?dish 作盘子解释是可数名词可以用复数,作菜解释不是不可数名词吗?~! 郡字可以组成什么词语最好 已知:如图点C,E,B,F在同一直线上,AC‖DF,AC=DF,CE=BF.求证;AB=DE 现代名人察言观色的事例 英译汉 As a small boy I was always fascinated at the sounds the coins made as they were droppedinto the jar.They landed with a merry jingle when the jar was almost empty.Then the tones gradually muted to a dull thud as the jar was filled. 如何提高察言观色的能力 妥善处理人际关系? 察言观色与察颜观色哪个正确? begin的中文是什么快 begin fall come的汉语是什么 我们语文老师今天特凶,我们考试没考好,留作业,让我们搜集生活中的对偶句,搞得我没听懂,也不敢问老师,各位大哥大姐麻烦帮帮忙吧 Everything is fleeting,didn't say the wrong -later I no longer forbear,I endure enough! demand planner具体是做什么的 I wouldn't say no的意思如题 求详解 1.food has been in great_since the storm hit the city.a.lack b.demand2.he had been drinking last night and he woke up with a_headache this morning.a.strong b.slight3.if you observe carefully,you well find that different approaches_the exper 结合生活场景来拟写一组对偶句 写一个在学做人方面受到启迪的对偶句谢谢啊 Achieve是英文姓氏吗?中文是什么?因为要换成英国的国籍,所以需要重新起个英文名,我有教名(Bella).请问名字取Bella Grace Achieve行吗?或者是Bella Grace Lee.哪个好?要在星期日之前取好,我会加赏 请写出英语achieve的谐音 英文achieve是什么意思 choice、refuse、doubt、whether、worth、offer、suggestion、value、achieve、task、revise用中文怎么读?truth、notice、progress、youth worker、bookworm、reply、pleasure、usage、punctuation、spelling、stress、firstly、blame、 We can see some——(strawberry) in the shop Achieve 是什么意思?