
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:27:00
短文改错,Jack had gone to a university to study the history,but at the end of his first year,his history professors failed him in his examinations,and he was told why he would have to leave the university.But,his father decided to see the profess 求英语大神、改这道短文改错 短文改错 How gladly i am to hear from you and to know you are getting on good with your chinese study at BeiJing University.On order to learn a foreign language,one should not only study the language,and also study the everyday life of the native speakers.Sin 短文改错 I heard I am going to be my aunt's bridesmaid(伴娘).I felt so exciting that I didn't sleep well that night after my aunt' wedding day.Although felt tired I got up early the next morning and went to my aunt's house to get dressing.H Is this a red apple?的复数句是什么? This red apple is her mother's的复数句的句子是什么? 英语翻译我男朋友是甘肃庆阳的.他每次和朋友开玩笑.就叫我说他朋友“二球或骑摩托”.问他他就说是夸她朋友摩托车骑得好..我总觉得不像.求哪位甘肃大哥大姐翻译下. 甘肃方言,你猫啊!,是什么意思? 甘肃省白银市会宁县地方方言 单词month的复数如何读? month如何变复数? month的复数加s还是加es? month加复数怎么写 急,高中物理,来大神用二十牛的水平推力推一个质量为三千克的木快,沿着斜角为三十度的斜面向上移动一米,在这一过程中.求水平推力F做的功,重力的功.g取10 西班牙语"我的生命将会绽放"是什么?是Mi vida florecerá 还是 mi vida va a florecer 请帮忙说一下这几个单词的复数形式词性没打MädchenOnkelMutterTanteSchwesterTochterJungeVaterBruder顺便问下eltern的词性是什么?还是说这个词本身就是复数? 单词复数形式country就这个 人的存在,为什么要有意义? 开放式什么意思 空虚 寂寞 冷 我好孤独,空虚,和寂寞啊.有谁愿意和我聊聊天吗?我的号码676920841我是男.28岁 英语初三选词填空阅读下面的短文,单词或短语中选择 10个,并用其适当的形式填空.)(答案写在答题纸上)read,have,be,it,see,good idea,no way,also,everything,excited,place,either"Everyone at school should see this!" said 选词填空.词语:orange white black purple green red brown yellow 1.That watermelon is( ).2.This mango is( ).3.These are( )strawbrries.4.Thoes grapes are( ).5.The oranges are( ). 英语大神快出来吧.,初三选词填空. 甚至的意思是什么 词典 收拾在词典上的全部意思 轻蔑的意思是什么(是字典中的)? 寂寥的意思 考英语四级买什么辞典好呢? 一笔一画什么意思 什么是直达配送?想知道“直达配送”的定义.