
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:10:12
what do adults need to help children solve problems英译中,还有为什么这么翻 甲骨文下来是什么文字 甲骨文字诠释了什么?发现了甲骨文意味着什么? 请问我国目前发现最早的文字是刻在什么和什么的甲骨文 高二 英语 English problem 请详细解答,谢谢! (3 11:28:46)The jury  found Sewell  _____and he was sent to prison.A cruel  B guilty   C awkward    D mean 人教版新目标Go for it英语七年级上.下册配套磁带录音的高清音质MP3 ,请发到skyrocketying@126.com 跪求 人教版新目标初中英语配套磁带全套(三年) 急用 在线等啊 拜托啦 muyaoyao77@126.com 鹏程万里 传说远古时候,在遥远的北海有一条特别大的鱼,它的名字叫做鲲.鲲身宽几千里,至于身长有多少,那就没人知道了.后来,鲲变成了一只大鸟,名字叫做鹏.大鹏鸟的背像泰山那样高,飞起 北冥有鱼,其名为鲲,含义是什么? 换元积分法求不定积分 用换元积分法求不定积分 高一 生物 原核和真核生物 请详细解答,谢谢! (19 20:41:10)酵母菌和乳酸菌分别属于什么生物?原核还是真核生物 为什么病毒没有细胞结构? The twina ___ .A.look same B.look the same C.look after You must finish one testing task before____to the next可供选项:emergency ,annoyed,exit,raise,move on,chase,poster,hold out,burst,cross顺便翻译一下谢谢... 如何翻译You need to finish the cup of tea before passing it to the host for more. You must finish the article before next year改为被动语态 i don't need to finish 为什么加to,need否定还用to? 元素的活泼性比较 (28 11:7:56)下列说法错误的是 ()A氧原子的半径比氢原子小B氯原子的最外层电子数比硫原子多C金属钠投入氯化镁溶液中,未见金属镁析出,说明金属钠的活泼性不如镁D氯气 求英语外研版必修一、二单词录音,急用! 外研版英语必修五必修六单词录音.可发送至 20.It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time.A) will fish B) finished C) finish D) shall finish 不可以选D Winnie,name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. I like to play .I like playing.什么区别 is _____ he will finish this project that important填的是when,可以这样用么? 10.Experts think that we need to eat ...10.Experts think that we need to eat meat because it contains vitamins and minerals _____ in vegetables.A/not finding B/not to be found C/not found D/which is not found能否用B这些矿物质只能被发现 Need to understand that true English is very difficult to a lot of student的谐音和中文 求过点A(3,0)且与圆B:x2+6x+y2-55=0内切的动圆圆心M的轨迹方程 向那样和同学讲话是不礼貌的 的英文 It's----to ---to students ----that. 在△ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别是a,b,c.c=7/2,且tanA+tanB=√3tanAtanB-√3,又S△ABC=3√3/2,求a+b 问道高二数学的题目已知1 234 34567 45678910 . 猜想第n行的各数之和Sn=多少? 为什么p属于a