
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 14:12:44
请问大家:believe in和believe意思上有什么区别? I'm blacker than 我只知道whiter than white是“比白纸还白”,是洗衣粉广告上的可是blacker than 对不起。忘了说了,这个blacker than white和洗衣粉一点关系也没有。如果回答的人瞎猜,那么注明一下你 The concert seems to be over almost as soon as it started.怎样翻译 工作最快乐的人? As soon as i _____,the movie started.a seatedb was being seatedc was seatedd had seated选哪个,请写出理由好吗, as soon as i got home,the telephone ---------------(rang\ringing) the vice over a telephone中over是什么意思 zai的第三声和第四声,各组一个词,再各造一个句子 用一命呜呼,苟延残喘,罪魁祸首,风雨同舟造句 如果用治理,归宿,荡漾,领悟,一命呜呼,风雨同舟,罪魁祸首,苟延残喘这八个词造句怎么造? 苟延残喘 怎么造句?请在今天给我, 闪闪发光.和蔼可亲.罪魁祸首.风雨同舟的造句 用“罪魁祸首”造句 个性鲜明的鲜读一声还是三声? A person to sleep and dream have interested people for centuries什么意思? Sleep To Dream 歌词 Preety Boy 汉语是什么意思 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. more before 该怎么发音more before 在美语中该怎么正确发音呢 口型是怎么变化的呢?虽然他们的音标都是 o的音 但是听美语发音总像是有儿化音的感觉 believe 和believe in用法有何区别? There is a lot to do on the fascinating、dull、scary、exciting 该选哪个?I like the rides at Disneyland.They were very ______.I don't like the monsrer ride because it was______.The play was really _______.The story was boring.I thought the story was _____.I love the theat scary和exciting之间用什么介词 scary 什么意思 scary什么意思 an exciting match的中文意思 在你和同学的相处中有没有发生过不愉快的事发生了什么事你是怎么做的结果怎样写一 同学之间的相处烦恼啊晓晓是我上了初中后第一个认识的新同学,我们一直是最好的朋友.可是现在,她经常不理我,对我不耐烦,我问她你为什么不理我啊,她说我自大,因为我经常和我们班的学霸 return to mou three feet,you are still in the lights dim 别用翻译器翻译. 含有颜色的歇后语好几句!不少于五句! How individual behavior is different from the group behavior how individual behavior is different from the group behavior which factors characterise the individual behavior?谁会啊.英语的.