
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:41:07
汉译英(有关海派文化的一段汉字)海派文化是东西文化交汇南北艺术的结晶.海纳百川,有容乃大.上海自改革开放以来以超常的速度发展,城市面貌日新月异.历史曾经厚爱过上海也委屈过上 汉译英一个中文句子,“如果你不真正去做,怎么会知道成果如何”,只要不出现语法错误,意思不差很多也行. 汉译英(中文在下面)那场精彩的音乐会两个月前现场直播了吗 Though he had often made his little sister ( ),today he was made ( )by his little sister.to cry,cry B cry,cry C crying,crying D cry,to cry 选什么?为什么? though he had often made his sister ------,today he was made -------by his sister A,cry cry...though he had often made his sister ------,today he was made -------by his sister A,cry crying. B,crying crying C,cry to cry. D,to cry cry Through Alex had often made his little sister ____ ,today he was made _____ ,by his little sister.A.cry;to cry B.cry;cry C.to cry ;to cry D.to cry;cry 赵普第二段写赵普举荐人才时有什么细节描写?从中看出赵普什么性格特征 赵普推荐人才时有哪些细节,从文中可以看出赵普有什么样的性格特征 赵普推荐人才中有哪些细节描写 赵普课文第二段写赵普推荐人才有哪些细节,从中可以看出他有什么样的性格求大神帮助赵普是文言文 燕子为什么在人类的屋檐下做窝?燕子的窝是用泥巴作主料的,在树上放不住啊。 I often play __ with brother. 《桥颂》全文的中心句是( ),全文是按( )方法写的弯弯的拱桥如彩虹横跨江面.坚实的桥墩屹立江心,桥上是过不完的行人.过桥的人啊,成千上万,有谁注意过这普通的拱桥?然而,桥是值得赞 Kitty often has fun (play )games with her classmates at school.play用什么形式? He often play computer games .play的形式对吗 赵普课文的中心句是什么赵普那一课中心句是什么 《赵普》刻画人物用了细节描写,找出并体会表达效果 你年纪决定周末进行一次外出活动,请你负责将此消息传达给来自英国的交换生.提示语:walk to Fenghuang Mountain,10kilometers away,hard but exciting,the whole day,keep safe,things to take(food ,drinks)文中不可以 长处的近义词 说出以下词语的近义词:安全( ),长处( ),困难( ), 近义词:安全( ) 长处( ) 终于(近义词:安全( ) 长处( ) 终于( ) 长处的近义词和反义词 《假如给我三天光明》讲的是什么? 从日日草文章中找出2组近义词下面就是日日草的文章一株日日草生长在路边,它矮矮的身材,平凡的叶子,普通的花朵.她每天唉声叹息,怨天尤人,抱怨上帝对她不够(公正、公开、公平). 有一 帮忙在这篇文章中找出折节和秉性的近义词~这梅花是我们中国最有名的花,旁的花,大抵是春暖才开花.她却不一样,愈是寒冷,愈是风欺雪压,花开得愈精神,愈秀气.她是最有品格,有灵魂,有骨气 [-B4] I find these problems are easy _____.A.to be worked out B.to work them outC.to work out D.to be worked them out翻译并分析 I find these problems are easy ____a.to be worked out b.to work them outc.to work out d.to be worked them out选C 表是被动为什么不选A呢? don't play a trick to your little brother这句话的to为什么要改成with 500字~550字 够了~写得好追加50分 初一上学期的总结!{要例文} 优势的近义词是什么 优势的近义词