
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 22:15:18
气压带风带季节性移动的问题热带沙漠气候是由副热带高气压或信风带控制的...它不是单一气压带控制么? The volume of a medium-sized grain of sand is 62 nL.If I gave you Avogadro's number of grains of sand this size and assuming that all of the sand could pack together with no empty space,which of the following is closest to the volume that would be re 人体为什么会变成酸性?如何保持弱碱性? 一道英文化学题Find the velocity of an electron emitted by a metal whose threshold frequency is 2.07×1014 when it is exposed to visible light of wavelength 5.24×10m. 一道全英文的化学题One of the species in the chemical indicator HIn􀀁 exhibits a yellow colour.If acid is added,the indicator turns red.Which of the following is correct?Red YellowA.In2-􀀁 H2InB.In2-􀀁 HIn-􀀁C. Aluminum reacts with chlorine gas to form aluminum chloride via the following reaction:2Al(s)+3Cl2(g)→2AlCl3(s)What is the maximum mass of aluminum chloride that can be formed when reacting 23.0g of aluminum with 28.0g of chlorine?Express your answ A 1.778g sample of a component of the light petroleum distillate called naphtha is found to yield5.450g CO2(g) and 2.602g H2O(l) on complete combustion.Use the masses of carbon dioxide,CO2,and water,H2O,to determine the empirical formula of the alkan 风带和气压带是怎样随季节移动的?只是说随季节变化移动.我问的是:北半球怎么移,南半球怎么移,他们是不是相反.请在回答我的问题的时候注明季节是南半球的还是北 英语翻译One-Dimensional MnII Complex Constructed From N-Donor Chelating Ligand and Organic Dicarboxylates:Hydrothermal Syntheses and Crystal Structure 如何判断有机物结构的稳定性(如烯醇卤素与羟基稳定吗)能讲一讲怎么判断吗,那能多列举几例吗 什么是风带气压带的季节移动? 怎样来判断有机化合物的绝对构型? 2道英语化学题1.How many single covalent bonds must a nitrogen atom in a neutral molecule form in order to have a complete octet in its valence shell?A)4 B)3 C)2 D)12.什么是monoprotic fluoroacetic? 两道英语题\化学题(求助)化;20世纪20年代,一些化学家提出的酸碱质子理论认为,凡能放出质子(H+)的分子或离子都是酸,凡能结合质子的分子或离子都是碱.那么,下列物质中不属于碱的是( )A.HNO3 伊利优酸乳是酸性多还是碱性多 物理变化和化学变化有什么联系? 化学变化与物理变化的关系(前面的一句)物理变化中不一定发生化学变化,但化学变化中一定发生物理变化 物理变化和化学变化的关系关系、区别、性质 特仑苏牛奶里有含钙么?含钙量怎么样?为什么特仑苏的营养成分表里没有钙? 特仑苏的有机奶和纯牛奶有什么区别? 特仑苏牛奶和金典有机奶,哪个送女友更好一些呢? 盐一定是电解质吗 非电解质的盐有什么?帮帮忙谢谢 盐一定是强电解质吗? 物理变化与化学变化的关系? 苹果醋是酸性还是碱性 物理变化和化学变化有啥联系?是在物理变化的基础上才能产生化学变化吗? 盐酸和食盐是不是电解质 Use principles of atomic structure,bonding,and/or intermolecular forces to respond to each of the following.Your responses must include specific information about all substances referred to in each question.d) A certain element has two stable isotope 既然不一定,书上为什么说弱电解质电离方程式不用等于符号而用正反方向符号,但是盐的电离方程式不能用正反符号而要用等于号? 这么做乳酸菌酸奶用乳酸菌做,那乳酸菌粉用什么做啊? 沉淀的盐也是强电解质吗?硫酸背是沉淀,但又是盐,所以是强电解质.那氢养化铝为什么又是弱电解质呢