
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:58:29
相似三角形怎么找 找出错误并改正 Each of us like the movie very much 求以下成语对偶1心中有鬼2守株待兔3火海刀山4寻根究底5无孔不入6有条有理7推波助澜8雪上加霜9苦中作乐10寥寥无几11小心翼翼12左顾右盼13瓜熟蒂落14目无全牛15源远流长16天昏地暗17披星戴月 all of us like the film very much ___ Xiao Li为什么不是besides 不是全部吗?都喜欢这个电影她也是啊!答案是except 下列成语的对仗是什么?雪中送炭 掩耳盗铃 水到渠成 众擎易举 惊天动地 愚公移山上行下效 重整旗鼓 继往开来 旗开得胜 下列成语的对仗分别是什么?赫赫有名天衣无缝江郎才尽雪中送炭移花接木博学多才颠倒黑白愚公移山 与下列成语形成对偶的成语:愚公移山— 狗仗人势—瓜熟蒂落— 望梅止渴—补全下列歇后语:茶壶里煮饺子—三月里扇扇子—蜗牛赴宴会— 两个有关酒文化的论述题,1、酒历来被作为礼品赠送,在现代社会中外名酒更是如此,从酒文化的角度解释这种现象存在的原因及理由(送礼文化、场合、时机)2、“醉驾入刑"对人们饮酒习俗 “rain shine fog snow wind storm weather cloud”中填入下面的句子中.(1) London is famous for its_________days.(2)When it's_________in autumu,leaves will fly away from the trees beautifully.(3)You can't see the moon tonight because it's_____ the PRC was founded in 1949这句话是被动语态吗?是过去式时态吗? 英语——用所给单词适当形式填空 关于大众传播学的论述题!沉默的螺旋理论!不要复制粘贴过来的 地位于北半球中纬度地区,要使该房屋获得最好的光照条件,则窗户应该开在房屋( ) 为什么呢 请具体说明 our school has all kinds of a I'd guess that Mrs Chen is almost sixty .这句中的'd是谁的缩写,为什么? You can give me a few time windows for the call 请问i would be up for Bob:I'm glad to hear that.As usual,I'm up to my ears in paperwork.But I'll survive,I guess.Amy:By the way,( )括号内应该填什么?Bob接着说:I don't have time right now. 谁知道投桃报李的成语故事 英语翻译I've just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through,and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been.Everything is in here:suspense,adventure,mystery,humour,danger.There's even some pr 成语“逃之夭夭”最早是用来形容什么的? The teacher has some books on the shelf.否定句,一般疑问句、否定回答 生于忧患,死于安乐 另一句能证明上述观点的格言或警句 Those assume most who know least?Those assume most who know least?He who knows most speaks least? 为什么天上不会掉馅饼? 天上为什么不掉馅饼?拜托了各位 谢谢