
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:01:47
关于描写“大自然文字”的诗关于描写大自然文字的诗 新视野第二版大学英语第四册九单元完整答案 用have的适当形式填空.Bob___no pens or pencils. He (doesn't) (have)any (pens)and pencils.改成,把正确的改出来 They have biack pens and yellow pencils.[改为一般疑问句] 十九世纪英国《大卫科波菲尔》成书于1850年,当时的英国正处于——-时代,该时代的英国不但经历了——-革命,而且还经历了——-向——-的过渡.请简要叙述该时代的特征. 关于Must 反义疑问句Must作必须讲时反义疑问句到底由neednt构成还是Mustnt?一直没搞懂啊 反义疑问句 关于must1、It must have rained yesterday,__________.2、You must have ever been there,___________.第一题用did not it,为什么不用has not it?第二题用have not you,为什么不用are not you?都是对过去的事情推测 should有过去式吗? 知了叫着怎样扩句 什么样的知了,填量词,帮帮我.知了在树上唱歌,扩写句子 I have already had breakfast.怎么改为否定句? I have had lunch at home 改否定句I _____ _____ at home. I have already had my lamb .变为否定句 You were my everthing.but you are my nothing 中文意思帮下忙、谢谢 这两个句子 有没有语法错误?what name are you what name is he?如果正确的说要怎么说,YOU不是第二人称吗 为何what's your name?这个句子中是用is为什么不是用are? What are you saying?这个句子正确吗?什么意思? what I am saying is you和what I am saying are you?哪个对啊 这句是什么语法?what.iswhat many pepople didn't realize is(很多人没意识到) that Simon is lover of sports and football in particular.请问这句是什么语法?What.麻烦讲解下 what do you mean my chat logs which is me saying,what are chat logs?” ___ the help of their group,we would not have succeeded in te investigation.A、Besides B、 regardless of C、 But for D、 Despite为什么选C?请翻译整句? ______their help,we wouldn’t have succeeded.A.Hadn’t been for B.Had it not been for C.It hadn’t been for D.Hadn’t it been for I would't have succeeded___for his help then.A.hadn't it beenB.were it notC.had it been notD.had it not been谢. 德语男士怎么写 请微笑的德语写法 这个德语写法有问题吗?rt:这个句子 拼写和字体都有问题吗?请懂的朋友来帮下忙 Ich vergesse nie Ihre Lehren 忘了加句子了. What do you m____ by saying this?I can't understand(理解). What does it mean ah?Really do not understand not have可以换成don't have吗 don‘t have和not having之间的区别? Work hard and you will ______(succeed in doing sth.) great success. Work hard and you will ______(succeed in doing sth.) great success. 5