
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 13:56:11
帮我做三道理论力学B的试题急! 理论力学、帮忙判断一下三道题的对错~ 理论力学 第五题 请问CHinese,arrive,borrow,trodional,怎么划分音节,这几个单词有什么规 China的音节划分!我知道,China是一个双音节词,所以第一个音节重度,但第一个音节是开音节还是闭音节我就不知道啦,含不含n哪?请各位帮忙分析如何划分音节! Chunese,arrive,borrow,answer,tradional 怎么划分音节?我在一本教参上看到ar\rive,borr\ow ,划分音节真的很烦人,有很多模糊的地方,希望有专家能指导一下, China是单音节还是多音节词 音节是什么意思 如图,一直反比例函数y=k/x,与一次函数y=x+b的图像交点A(1 ,4-k),B(m,—1) .(1)是确定这两个函数关系式以及点B的坐标,(2)链接AO,BO,求△ABO的面积.(3)在反比例函数的图像上是否存在点P, he doesn't want to do anything变为否定句 He doesn't want to eat anything.=He doesn't _____ ______ eating anything. 帮忙翻译下Never forced anyone to do anything he doesn't want to. 平方根前面有个数字是什么意思?是前面,不是左上方。比如说有一个算式这样:√6二次方+(8n)二次方=2√9+16n二次方。我是预习下学期的课程的,不懂,望诸知识分子教教我。记住,是前面 根离子右下角的数代表什么so43- I often use it to ___ emails.在borrow,play,check,talk中选 I often send emails to my pen pal【改为一般疑问句】()you often ( )emails to you pen pal?I write a letter to my uncle on Sunday(对划线部分提问),划线部分:on Sunday()()you write a letter to your uncle? we often play together after school.(划线提问)——you often play together?after school划线 I often watch him ( )tennis.A.playing B.play C.plays D.to play 《水浒传》的结构特点作者采取了先分后和的链式结构.第四十回以前先讲( )故事,然后百川汇海,逐步发展到( ).第七十回以后,写他们( ) 《水浒传》结构很有特点,作者采取________的链式结构 1/37的倒数除8与7/9的和,商是多少? 到三角形三边所在直线距离相等的点有几个?画示意图,并证明你的结论 i want to make friends with him ,but i don't konw what to do如题 i have a friend,no ,he is not my friend,but i want to make friends with him ,but i know nothing about him,and he never anwsers me the question what i ask him ,what should i do 我不懂. He doesn't want him______homeA.goB.to go RT翻译.Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person 什么叫两个数的算术平方根 want to make a birthday card to him 还是want to make a birthday card for him 是对的? 水浒传人物特点 五年级课文《迟到》和《成吉思汗和鹰》2课的形近字.过了今天就不要了! 塑、饼、谱、抑、挫、歇、吉、营、劈、寇、蕉组词 21题导数如图