
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:09:42
这里的regular应该作何解释 ,请勿机翻She went on to appear as a series regular in the short-lived ABC Teen Drama series Life As We Know It as Sue Miller. can you cut up a regular triangle into 2007 regular triangles 4月22日11点之前解答, “向海而兴,背海而衰,禁海几亡,开海则强”是谁说的?出处是《明史》吗?该问问当年明月, “向海而兴,背海而衰,禁海几亡,开海则强”详细怎么解释?附带讲一下现实意义等,谢谢! 请写出带有海.梦.兴的成语各十个急呀!谢谢! comparatively和relatively都有相对的意思,它们有什么区别?如题 英语翻译Devco,and its respective successors and licensees,all right,title and interest worldwide in and to the Work and all proprietary rights therein.Including,without limitation,all copyrights and all contract and licensing rights and all claim relatively independent nobility啥意思 relatively 和comparatively 怎么用这2词都有比较地\相对地意思 区别在哪里 还有怎么用(举例) Cris是英文名吗 cris可以做女孩子的英文名吗?cris和kris可以做情侣的吗? cris这个英文名是男是女,急用! About friendship,you are among us and we are among 赏析.武松打虎武松打虎中,当老虎出现时,武松见了,叫声:”一词表现武松的什么? among what that and which differce 以前还能打开的但现在一开就这样表示现在变成这样的了. 什么是Utilitarianism? 什么是Act_utilitarianism? 什么是RULE_UTILITARIANISM?3Q 小议武松打虎问题(作文) “成熟的稻子”弯腰是什么意思? 读句子,照样子把句补充整.大自然能给我们许多启示:成熟的稻子低着子,那是启示我们要谦虚;一群蚂蚁抬起骨头,那是启示我们要 ; ,. 我没有存心想骗你的意思, 翻译成英语我没有存心想骗你的意思, 只是当你突然向我问好的时候, 我只想顺水推舟的跟你聊会. 请问:“存心有天知”谁知道是什么意思?体彩3D上的一句谜底.有原迷是“天涯共此时,存心有天知,三块大豆腐”. 遥远的意思不是英文哦! small的最高级急 pisces什么意思 《西江月》BY水之银讲了什么内容 specialized是什么意思 specialized 根据英文释义填词The________ (a ceremony during which gifts and prizes are given)will begin in the town hall at nine.错了应是 The________ (a ceremony during which gifts and prizes are given)of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine. 填字母成新单词_ake(除take、lake、make)_uck__in_in_ __ _ea_把_in_ _改为_in_ _ _