
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 02:16:11
Our school is s____ and there are only 200 students in it.But it's very beautiful. These students whose their parents have come to China for buiness like the school very much.的翻译 ()花()已经()开了()在括号内填上合适的词语 请问:要在括号里填写颜色的词语,如何填 ( )花盛开 一( )千里这是两个成语,( )花盛开;一( )千里。 花( )( )( ) ( )花( )( ) ( )( )花( ) ( )( )( )花 在括号里填上字 使得横竖都能组成词语或者成语 在括号里填上恰当的词语,形容下面各种花的颜色(   )迎春花 (    )荷花 (    )茉莉花 (    )太阳花 (    )牡丹花(   )桃花  (    ) 《紫藤萝瀑布》围绕着花写了哪些内容?请在括号内各填一个词.( )花 ( )花 ( )花 本人急需一段英语口语四人对话材料!大一水平的,2到3分钟,关于奥运或者地震题材的更好! 关于失眠的英语口语对话材料不要太短,也不要太长,大概2-3分钟.大概4人对话最好有旁白 their school is as big as ours同意短语 it's really beautiful.but i don't think their school is as big as( )ours,us ,we 还是our请说明理由 Their school is small.O___ is big and new.填空 快 却道(什么)依旧(括号里填花名)如题 Dear Kate,Hello,my name is Anna.I am a student at sanshu school.I love my school .It is big andc开头的单词后面填一个单词,是c开头的 is, the, beautiful, clean, school, big, and这句话如何练成一句话 关于My school is n( ) and big.此题的标答是nice,请问是否能填noise? My school is very clean 改成一般疑问句.Emily and Wendy aer twin sisters.I am good at English都该成一般疑问句第二句是are,不是aer我打错了 某车间举办英语比赛,一、二车间工有80人参加比赛.结果平均分是90分,一车间平均分是92分,二车间平均分是87分.求一、二车间各有多少人? 某班一次英语竞赛中平均分是74分,其中有3/4的人及格,且平均分是80分.不及格的人的平均分是( ) 春(?)秋(?) 填一花名 填花名啊春( )秋( ) 括号里填花名 school do uniforms every have to day wear we 连词成句 must we wear uniforms to go to school (作否定回答) 连词成句to I to school wear have a uniform must,student,school,wear,unifroms,their,school,to.连词 don't ,our,to,school,we,in,have,uniforms,wear,the.(连词成句) 在括号里填上合适的花名.正月()香又香,二月()盆里装;三月()连十里,四月()靠短墙;五月()红似火,六月()满池塘;七月()头上戴,八月()满枝香;九月()初开放,十月( 填上合适的花名接天莲叶无穷碧,映日( )别样红.忽如一夜春风来,千树万树( )开. are the big and round apple?连词和翻译 are the bieg and round apple 连词成句 怎样养殖螃蟹 Apple round,apple red,Apple juicy,apple sweet.请问英文儿歌这样书写正确吗?