
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 14:32:13
指鹿为马等成语的主人公是谁 change into 和 change…into 意思一样吗? 等比数列A,-6,B,-54,……的前n项和Sn等于? 中学英语求教A:Must I return the book to you tomorrow?B:( ).A.Yes,you need B.No,you mustn't C.No,you don't have to D.Yes,you have 商务英语难吗?我英语好差的!但我有点想去就读这个? 求金链接丛书中学英语升级卷七年级暑假作业本22页改错题答案It was quite late at night.I was reading a newspaper in my room.When I heard someone to knock at the door,I opened it and see a young man put on glasses standing there 中学英语、5道选择题、求教7._____ time do you spend on your homework every day?A.How muchB.How wellC.How oftenD.How longThe Correct Answer is 1 10.Would anybody care for _____ drink before dinner?A.the othersB.anotherC.otherD.othersThe Cor If you don't have a map,you will have some problems___in this city.A.driving B.to drive C.drive请说明原因 SMART PHONE是哪一种电话?smart phone是依靠固定电话系统的小灵通吗? 高二英语单项选择1. Every few years, the coal workers________their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had2. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmer 火焰之神的英文是什么?3Q 已知a,-6,m,-54,-162为等比,则a+m=?只要答案 编写一个现代版的灰姑娘的故事 要作业本一页多的样子 大概1000多吧 急需20个三国演义的人物性格分析(大概一个人物能写1页大作业本)性格及其能体现出的地方.(重赏哈!)如实在找不到很多写的,其他名著也行,但也写清是哪部名著, 就是那种作业本,怎么叫一页啊 四棱锥p-abcd中,pa垂直于底面abcd,pa=2倍根号3,bc=cd=2,角acb=acd=60 求证BD垂直平面PAC 1.坐落于-----lie后的搭配是什么?Shang hai musenm lie in the center of Shanghai.此句中的介词in 是因为in the center of .还是因为坐落于(用lie)这个短语的固定搭配就是lie in 2.hope 可以接不定式吗?与wish to do did not match any documents 中学英语试题,妈妈让我假期上补习,全是初二的知识,我才上初一.1.I've read ( ) sports news about the F1 race today.A.twoB.pieces C.two piecesD.two pieces of 3.do you know how many( )a house has and how many ( )a bee has?A.teeth; 这个东西就是街上的算姓的,我觉得总有疑问,应该是概率方面的问题或者是两张纸片的问题,但是总是不确定究竟为什么会那么准.谁来回答我一下? 要做有关太阳能的社会调查出什么题目好?最近要做篇有关百姓对太阳能的认知、了解程度以及生活中太阳能的普及程度的社会调查,调查问卷都可以出些什么题目啊?只需要大家集思广益,10条 电路问题:直流量、交流量是什么?直流分量、交流分量是什么? 什么是病原体生物 疾病病原体是什么意思? 宫颈炎病原体是什么 病原体感染是什么 代数式与整式的区别? 急 以《回到原点》为题 写一篇800字作文 要在文章中提到莫言获得诺贝尔奖 今晚语文考试,作文是写关与莫言诺贝尔奖的 一般是议论文,急 急 急 zinc oxide white seal 是什么 No results were found for your search.Try changing some of the words in your query.Tips for better results:Check your syntax.Make sure to use the correct spelling.Use the correct case (uppercase for capitalized names,lowercase for common words and ph 外贸化工产品(如:Zinc Oxide)报价单模板