
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:54:36
怎样学广州话较快? “TORNADO”怎么读? Tornado,怎么读'音标怎么写? Tornado求助哪位牛人可以帮我一下,我安装完Tornado2.2.1后,运行时弹出错误为:Error creating diab toolchai information files.我若新建任务,则弹出 invalid command name"::NewWindow::show" 我同学们安装都没问题,不知 Kate wants to h___a cup of milk.根据首字母写单词 以海阔凭鱼跃 天高任鸟飞 的作文 有没有《天高任鸟飞 海阔凭鱼跃》的作文?(500字~600字)表太长 500字~600字就行 Mars(火星)前要不要加冠词 on the Mars 还是on Mars 冠词应用哪一个?on the bus 还是on a bus? 请问宾语从句,定语从句,状语从句的结构分别是怎样的?请回答的明了一点~~~谢了! 独立主格结构能否和状语从句同时运用如Tom donateing money to foerigner school ,his performence was still worththinking highly of although It's universally aknowledged that Tom should have donated money to his mother school. 一个装满水的小玻璃瓶放在一个装满水的矿泉水瓶中,如何让玻璃瓶上下浮动? That was __ yesterday.A.what did I tell him;B.what I told him;C.what do I tell himD.what I tell him 这句话中的center是什么意思?Pakistan's former president and military ruler Pervez Musharraf,center,leaves after appearing in court in Rawalpindi,Pakistan,April 17,2013. where's john he ____the supermarket 求讲解A has gone to B ha been to C has gone D has been She opened her m____ to say something ,but said nothing at last Where's John?He ( ) just ( )(go) to theWhere's John?He ( ) just ( )(go) to the teachers' office she had seen something on television to add to her list翻译. 睡觉听英语戴什么耳机戴现在的总容易调出来,侧身睡还顶住耳朵很难受 She has kept her maid name Wang. 什么意思? 四大发明人 是什么?要英文名! 英语翻译An unusual dayYesterday was unusual day to me,you will never believe what happened to me.I was coming home from school as usual,but at the corner nearby the school,a black man came toward to me,and he asked me:"Do you speak English?" "A l You were never satisfied no matter how I 英语翻译我很喜欢这歌,所以我想看看翻译,我要的是一句英文一句中文.就算有重复的,也要全写下来 You are run on the hallway. Ben and I planted sometrees last week对划线部分提问划线部分是planted some trees----- ------you------ last week Ben and I planed some trees last week划线提问planed some trees last week是划线 You are on a I told you not run in the hallway,____ ______{反义疑问句}为什么答案是did it,我觉得是didn't I She say "yes" to me 等于 she___ ___ me? ask me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant什么意思ask me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant特别是basis是什么意思?那怎么理解呢?