
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 01:05:40
鸡兔49.100条腿地上走.问有多少只鸡?多少只兔?列方程解答. sb think\find+it\it's+adj 中间可用it\it's吗? 英语中begin to do和begon doing有什么区别 we went to get married 大概意思就行 be married to和get married to的be和get是什么意思,be和get的区别 by the time it had been taken over by Oxford University这句话怎么翻译呀? By the time the UN task force arrived,the rebel forces had taken the province. Newly Married 的汉语意思是什么?一个词语就好! married得意思 念经超度去世之人,念的是什么经?心经?还是 地藏经?还是其他什么的? 超度死去的人念什么咒?上次去潭柘寺上香,看见一家人在为死去的人做法事,里面一堆和尚在念经,不是有音乐的,就是很平淡的经文,请问谁有这个经文的地址?叫什么名字啊? 亡人去世49天之内做的超度才算超度是吗? Please ( )these things ( ) Mrs li 填空选择 A.takes to B.take to 雪豹是一种非常珍贵的猫科动物,雪豹身上最明显的标志是尾巴 A、 对 B、 错 雪豹的叫声?他是猫科动物,请问他的叫声是什么 there have been numerous researchthat have focused on understanding the relations among the content, the context in which that content in grounded,and the practices through which understandings were generated. during 与 through(一直....)有什么区别? 手表上 为什么有 since 1939 她的丈夫1992年死了,给她留下了三个孩子.翻译 变一般疑问句和否定和肯定回答this is yellow dress?there are bananas? I think teenages should ( ) more on their studies只能填单词,快 more studies are needed before anything can be proven..要进一步研究才能得出定论.anything能换成something吗 get married ,be married,marry sb谢谢了,I don't know the differents between these words Mary( ) wants to buy some picture boks and color pencils. to not friend all too填什么The people in the store are very ( )to not friend all too填什么 这里that was 这样用可以吗?前提:Pls.make sure the bag is put in the box before you leaving office!回答:Don't worry about this,that was done! according什么意思 According According是什么意思? according to的下面,名词短语吗? Let's get married什么意思 Let'S Get Married 歌词 in和during在时间表达上的区别.During the whole winter it never snowed.和It was very hot during the summer.为什么前者的during不能用in代替,而后者却可以用in代替?