
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:33:05
凿壁借光 还是 凿壁偷光? 是"凿壁借光"还是"凿壁偷光"小时侯学的"凿壁借光",怎么后来现在总听人们读的是"凿壁偷光"呢怎么回事 “偷”不是贬义词吗 是凿壁借光还是凿壁偷光?请回答 我与祖国同发展 我与林区共奋进演讲稿,急用! 夏朝共多少年? 夏朝存在吗 构成计算机网络的三要素是什么? 中国有夏朝吗 作文《难忘的经历》怎么写 2.-Will you go to and attend her party?-No,().Aeven though invited toBeven is invitedCas is not invited Dunless being invited to go 与经典同行与名人牵手演讲稿! After a number of 莹的英文名有哪些?. number of years between siblings(spacing)是什么意思? 我不知道Jim在哪里I don't know_________ you go to attend her party?-No,().A.even though invited to B.unless invited to goB错在哪里?B加go为什么不对 艺璇, 求个发音相近的英文名 (最好多几个让我挑挑 谢谢) Christmas is coming.t don't kown__________my friends翻译圣诞节来了,我不知道为朋友们买些什么 我不知道他朋友的名字.(I don't konw______ _____ _____his friend.) face to与face with的区别 大家帮我找个英文名.想找含有x,l,y的男生英文名,要是没有含其中两个字母也行.不麻烦的话附个音标谢啦 up with短语越多越好 Do you think it's important for school to proved sports facilities for children?Why?/Why not? either和both有什么不同?怎么用? both与either nither的区别 辩论会辩论什么最有意义?我们总是辩论一件物或事一件事的好与坏,但是物体的本质又不是坏的,物是让人们用的,我们之所以认为它让我们变坏,其实不是它的错,是我们自己不是么?打个比方, 辩论会是什么意思 If the flower had been watered,it __as it is.A.wouldn't be B.wouldn't have beenIf the flower had been watered,it __as it is.A.wouldn't be B.wouldn't have been C.would be not D.would have not been 正确答案选A,我选的B.我想问下A和B的区别 Tom's parents saw the accideThe flowers have been watered,i forgot______(do) it Tom's parents saw the accident ______(happen))yesterday afternoon请说明原因! 1.The flowers can't have been watered often enough,___they are not growing well A.though B.as C.for求答案并解释 谢谢各位大侠帮忙! 用词的正确形式填空;this is a bird ( )(it) name is polly The flowers can't have been watered often enough,___they are not growing well A.though B.as C.for为什么选C啊.for后面不是跟短语么,因为for 是介词,