
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:42:27
球的体积计算公式是V=4/3πR^3,(V表示体积,R表示半径)物体的质量计算公式是m=Vp(m表示物体质量,V表示球的体积,p表示物体的密度).已知地球质量大约是月亮质量的81倍,地球密度与月球密度 手表贵在哪里 林肯公园given up里为何有句Tough I'm focused but I'm scared不是说英语里有了虽然不用但是,有了但是不用虽然?即便分开来,也不能同时出现,那求解这句话什么情况,又是非正式的口语? 这表哪里贵吧, 华东师大版的数学题.把过程说明清楚一些啊! I'm so scared Do you like English?是do回答还是用like回答?回答:Yes,i like.Yes,i do.你喜欢英语吗?是的,我喜欢.You fond of english?yes,i like. Please tell me,Do you like English?and tell me,why?Thanks,very much!1do you know some English popsongs?tell me please,thanks! 惊喜,的近意词和炫耀的近意词.谢 ill at ease帮偶翻译一下```能不能再造个句``` √(x+2y) × √(2x+4y)√(2x³y)× √(18xy³) It's too_______(noise) to study in the room. at ease ill at ease都翻译, 林冲被逼上梁山概括250字左右 林冲和鲁达在逼上梁山的过程中,都发生了哪些惊心动魄的故事?加以概括. 概括林冲被逼上梁山的经过,并说说他的性格特点 Many new students find it hard to do all the study that has to be done; they find themselves putting off reading assignment(作业),jumping from one subject to another and not being quite certain what they are trying to do during a particular study s shuch a lonely girly such a lonely wordsuch a lonely girl,such a lonely world这是我我无意中听到的一首歌的歌词,有那为高人知道他出自那儿,歌名是什么吗.如回答在下将不盛感激! I cannot find a quiet place _______ . 填to study 还是to study in.在牛津初中英语9A教材Unit 3 中是填to study .令人费解. tell me what to do 中的 what 是连词吗?它与 tell me what the meaning is 中的 what 用法相同吗? Then you'ii( ) better soon 我可以用一下你的笔吗用英语怎么说 i stand there to wait for you shoulen't eat anything for 24 hours .的同义句是什么you shouldn't eat anything for 24 hours .(改为同义句)you should ___ ___ for 24 hours . This book gives us some useful(i )on how to use computer填空 林冲是怎么被一步步逼上梁山的,主要情节是怎么样的? This is a book for children ( ) Asia and its people. 林冲逼上梁山的主要内容要短,但能让人理解 ____ will you go to Beijing?In two days.A:How often B:How long C:How far D:How soon该选哪个?为什么? 请在地图上给我指出北京.Please___ ___Beijing___the map stand by 什么意思 I want to ——choose a good one to send to him在横线上要填什么词啊?还是这个题目出错了,已经完整了,不需要再填了?