
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 01:51:09
七年级有一道数学题10y+5=11y-5-2y怎么解 10y+5=11y-5-2y 解方程 解方程:10y+5=11y-5-2y 若函数f(x)=e^xsinx,则此函数图像在点(4,f(4))处的切线的倾斜角为 A.π/2 B.0 C.钝角 D.锐角f'x=e^xsinx+e^xcosx在(4,f(4))处的切线的斜率是e^4(sin4+cos4)设倾斜角为a,则有tana=e^4(sin4+cos4)a=arctan[e^4(sin4+cos4)] what do I do without you ( )I need help▁▁▁▁the homework A to finish B finish C finishes D finishing __they need bring their photos to school(do) Do you like__(play)basketball? 若2X减4等于0,6加2Y等于0则X的绝对值减Y的绝对值等于() 1. When does the train arrive? The teacher wanted to know.The teacher wanted to know ________ _____,空格是不是少了一个 几月几日是月圆的时候? love you don't know what to 直线的倾斜角为什么不能是180度?根据定义0度不就是和x轴平行吗?180度也是平行啊.为什么可以等于0度不能是180度?书上写的!倾斜角的范围是0度,180度 左闭右开!90度没有斜率 已知x^2-2x=5求代数式1-2x^2+4x要讲讲过程喔 已知x∧2-2x=5 求代数式 2x∧2-4x-1的值.(求出x=?)(过程). 第二题怎么填 hao to do什么意思 使用hao do you do?问候,回答是hao do you do?还有nice to mee you.和( )to meet you.等用法. what about ( ) English teacher 选折an还是the? 1.what does the headteacher----about jim's Chinese exam?a.talk b.speak c.tell d.say2.my full name is jim allan green.my family name comes ---.a.first b.second c.third d.last给出正确答案,并且回答为什么? What did the headmadter say about jim'__________Atwo months holiday B two months’ holiday C two—month holiday 为什么选C不选B you were very good at basketball in china(改为否定句) 50x+400=60x-30 matlab M=ceil(3.32*pi/dw);N=2*M+1;n=-M: 250+50x=60x-300怎么做 matlab 中 k-means算法中的 ind=ceil(n*rand(1,输出的是什么样子的矩阵 是k行d列吗最好能解释一下K-means算法程序每句话的意思 matlab中a=0:m/2;b=ceil(m/2)-1:-1:0;x(n)=[a,b]中的:还有[a, what season was it?what does his teache probably think about the weather?when ice"melt"atthe poles,it--------------------- 2y * 1/3-(2y+9)* 1/6=1 Are you a new student?Yes,Iam 哪里错了 如果关于x的不等式k-x+6>0的正整数解为1,2,3,那么k应取怎样的值 如果不等式(k-2)x>3的解集是x>1.刚k的值等于什么 x〔2x+3〕=2x+3的解答过程