
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:50:58
快乐是什么?怎样才能获得快乐?无所求,.无语但是不快乐~呵呵.好像自己忧郁了追求,呵呵,不喜欢现实,大概是累了 描写老年夫妇恩爱幸福的诗词.有哪些 保护环境的正面事例和反面事例各两种! 英语翻译With sweat becoming more and more,I finally decided to take a shower. 已知集合A={x|x-3x+2=0},B={x|x-ax+a-1=0}.且A∪B=A,求实数a的值. 有一个不等于零的自然数,他的1/2是一个立方数,他的1/3是一个平方数,则这个数最小是几? 人可不可以长生不老啊 人会长生不老吗? 人怎么能长生不老? 人怎么才能长生不老. PE放水管可以用火焊接吗? 如图,圆锥的底面半径是2cm,当圆锥的高由小到大变化时,圆锥的体积也随之发生了变化问题;当1cm,10cm时,圆锥的体积分别是多少救命啊 英语翻译 英语翻译A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog.He asks the shopkeeper,"Does your dog bite?" The shopkeeper says,"No,my dog does not bite." The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him."Ouch," he says,"I thought you said your dog 已知集合A={x|x^2-3x+2=0},集合B={x|2x^2-x+2a=0,x∈R},若A∪B=A,求实数a的值所组成的集合? -男人和女人,哪个更长寿? 求底面直径为6厘米,高为9厘米的圆锥的体积 英语翻译帮我翻译下哦~另外,航空面世自我介绍 需要多长时间压Good morning/afternoon,My name is YangHaiyan ,You can call me Yanzi.I like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow.It is really a great honor to have this opport 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这篇文章The Chinese program offers Mandarin Chinese courses at all levels. Courses of elementary and intermediate Chinese are for students who do not have any Chinese language background. Students will develop Chinese lang 英语翻译 英语翻译myself' is lost I want to find it back but I cannot me is not me!In my way of my life I make myself the best in all kinds "the people which around me think highly of me but I donot need that what I realy need that I am only a boy my fathe (2 n+1)(2n-3)(2 n+5)(2 n+7)-1 一定能被下面哪个数整除 A6 B3 C5 D82n-3改成2n+3 下面各组数中最大公数是1的一组是 a6和14 B19和57 C5和12 D66和77选择 硬盘 C5 当前待映射扇区数 出现警告,数据是1硬盘 C5 当前待映射扇区数 出现警告,数据是1 有办法修复变正常吗?硬盘没有坏道. 一组数据:2 3 4 x中,若中位数与平均数相等,则数x不可能是A 1 B 2一组数据:2 3 4 x中,若中位数与平均数相等,则数x不可能是A 1 B 2 C 3 D5 英语翻译The surface of the Earth except for oceans,seas,lakes,and rivers is land .Much of it might appear to be unused :mountains,deserts,swamps and forests.As a matter of fact,for many of these areas some kind of use has been found .Parts of for 请问“垂( )三尺”?还有括号里的字怎么读?如题 电子鞋柜|智能鞋柜|中国电子鞋柜品牌有哪些 电子智能鞋柜,电子鞋柜配件,智能电子鞋柜那家好? 想做电子鞋柜,不知道电子鞋柜品牌有哪些? 电子鞋柜_智能电子鞋柜_电子消毒鞋柜 电子鞋柜_ 电子鞋柜加盟,我想加盟德尼尔森鞋柜,他们公司,