
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 00:31:32
一筐橘子连筐重8.5千克,倒出一半橘子后,连筐还重4.4千克.这筐橘子净重几千克?筐重几千克? 请壁虎和四脚蛇有什么区别吗? 商店里有苹果、梨、橘子共89筐,卖苹果总数的1/5,梨卖8筐,又进10筐橘子这时三种水果的筐数一样多,问三种水果原来各多少筐? My mother () not () (like) English .She () (like) Chinese. I() ()(read) English now.He () () (go) to the park now()you () (go) th school every day Don't ()(run) in the school now We()(like ) music .Now we () sing Let me ()(go) tothe cinemaMary,() you 增压缸不增压为什么什么都安装好了,怎么弄增压缸就是不增压, 增压缸有几种. 增压缸的活塞不回位是哪里的问题? 蜥蜴与壁虎的区别是什么? 蜥蜴和壁虎的区别有哪些 运开10筐梨,苹果的筐数是梨的5分之4,又是橘子的3分之2.运来橘子多少筐 三种水果共110筐,苹果与梨的筐数比是1:2,橘子比苹果多10筐,求苹果、梨、橘子各多少筐? 商店运来8筐桔子的重量比运来10筐梨少30Kg.每筐梨少30Kg.每筐梨重23Kg,每筐橘子重多少Kg?(列方程) -is your friend looking forward to going on vacation -yes,she is .a.enjoying b.spending c.counting d.enjoying what are your sister going to be in the future?she is going to be a policewoman(改错) —What _Sarah_to do tomorrow?—She _ going to _ _.2.—_ _ your mother going to the shop?—_ _ going to the shop at 1:52 p.m.(每个横线填一个单词) ( ) ( ) is she going to Europe Marcia called everyone andtold them she wasn't going to havetheparty意思 一筐橘子,三三数之余一,五五数之余四,七七数之余二,箩子里有多少个橘子? 一筐橘子,三三数之除余一,五五数之余四,七七数之余二,筐里最少有多少个橘子有算式是用中国剩余定理:1x70+4x21+2x15-105=70+84+30-105=184-105=79 求文档:一框橘子,三三数之余一,五五数之余四,七七数之余二,框里最少有多少橘子 小明读一本课外书第一天读了全书的五分之一,第二天读了全书的五分之二,还剩下60页没读这本书共多少页?小明读一本课外书第一天读了全书的五分之一,第二天读了全书的五分之二,还剩下60 小明读一本课外书,第一天读了全书的五分之一,第二天读了全书的五分之二,还剩下60页没读.这本书有多少页? 小明看一本课外书第一天看了全书的四分之一第二天看了全书的五分之二第二天比第一天多六页这本书共多少页 Mrs Green is eighty years old.She likes driving very much.Today is Saturday.She is on her way home.1、Mrs Green is very old.she can't drive.2、she doesn't like driving.3、her car can't work on the way home .4、she wants to have a rest at the cros Mrs Green wanted to invite many people to her house.She wanted to c__ them a good diinner of meatandsoup.She had five d___ .They were all busy.Mrs Green was b__ ,too.She f__ to put any salt into the soup.So she ashed Mary,one of her daughters,to help Mrs.Green doesn't like sports.She has much work to do at home.Her mother is coming this afternoon and she goes to __ her. 短文改错One day,Mrs White went to the car park to get her cars.When she gotOne day,Mrs White went to the car park to get her cars.When she got the car park,she found that someone has stolen her car.So he rushed to the police station and told the On Sunday,Mrs Fang doesn't cook,she likes to go to()near her home with her children. 六年级有三个班甲乙两班有75人,乙丙两班有81人,已知乙占三个班的十分之三问三个班共有几人? 甲乙两个仓库,甲仓库存粮30t,如果从甲仓库取出10分之1放入乙仓,则两仓库存粮数量相等.两仓库一共存粮多少吨 柱塞泵压力补偿变量怎么理解?还有恒压变量怎么理解?有什么区别么? 怎么理解压力补偿变量柱塞泵