
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:18:55
英语翻译 我们还需要五个演员来参加这次才艺表演 英语 The way I like you , it is like playing carouse. I wonder why even I know I will never catch you , but still I feel lucky ...麻烦替我翻译下 The way I like you,it is like playing carrouse.的意思? 我们的才艺表演需要再多两个演员.翻译英语 严复认为中学与西学有什么差异?形成这种认识的原因? “中学为体西学为用”是曾国藩、李鸿章和张之洞为首洋务派的指导思想.你怎么看清政府废科举废学院而建立“中学为体西学为用”的学堂的决定呢? 康有为什么称赞严复为中国西学第一急!20很重内哦! manson的{15}歌词翻译.If you can hear this don't assume that I'm talking to you Yesterday everything I thought I believed in died But today is my birthday, Today is my birthday I don't need you, I'll say it to myself It doesn't mean I won't need Marilyn Manson的Tainted Lovef的中文翻译 Marilyn_Manson - The Nobodies 的 歌词谁知道? 北京少儿英语哪里好,孩子成绩不好,想给她系统辅导一下英语课,麻烦知道的告诉下? Marilyn Manson个人简历 简介 什么生日 身高之类的. 8.You cannot be __ careful when you drive a car.A.very B.so C.too D.enough为什么不是其他选项?尤其是B? You cannot be too careful when you drive car.翻译为当你开车时无论怎么小心都不过分.cannot ...too...怎么.都不过分 我想知道 还有其他的短语有类似的用法吗 Your have better ______ because you have to drive back home A not drinking B.not drinkYour have better ______ because you have to drive back homeA not drinking B.not drink C.don't drink D.not to drink drive When will they drive home?drive home是开车回家的意思? 如果你在公交车上遇到一个老人和一个抱着小孩的妇女,可车上已经没有座位,你自己有一个座位,你会怎么... 世界上各个国家的国旗和首都都是什么 Nothing could have been more annoying.请帮我把这句话改成there be句型. nothing could have been more annoying请问 这个句子中的HAVE BEEN 是现在完成时么?为什么这个句子要用这种时态呢? 英文名Violet是什么意思? violet在英文名里是什么意思 女子英文名Olivia Violet Alice 那个更好?olivia奥维利亚 橄榄树和平者 violet维尔丽特 紫罗兰 谦虚 Alice爱丽丝 爱做梦的女孩 尊贵的 各位自己更喜欢哪一个?各个方面来看 look what you have done you ____more careful A:may be B:had to C:should have been D:would beyou ____read that book if you do not want to A:have not B:can not C:must not D:need notTom ought not to ____me your secret but he meant no harm A:have told B: -we should have been more careful not to break the ball.-that doesn‘t matter much.unluckily,it will be a long time_____we have another.a.until b.before c.sinceuntil 和 before在这里有什么区别? 高二的英语,求学霸们帮忙,谢谢了 . 一道英语选择题,You have made ( ).You should be more careful.A.a lot of mistake.B.a great deal of mistakesC.a large number of mistakesD.few mistakes希望尽早得到您的回答. 在天津想学新概念英语怎么办?我在天津南开区,想学新概念英语,谁知道一些好的,给我推荐一下. 想学新概念英语 有没有那家比较好 打基础的 甲乙两人同时从山脚下开始爬山,到达山顶后立即下上,甲乙两人下山的速度都是各自上山速度的2倍,甲到山顶时乙距山顶还有500米,甲回到山脚时乙刚好下到半山腰,求从山脚到山顶的路程 He ____(读书如此着迷) that he missed the train.(lose)