
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 07:40:24
This is a i_____ book,nobody is interested in it.He hopes he ____{win}the first prize agazine in the 2008 Olympic Games.这部电影又长又枯燥.The film is __________________________________.他对现在的工作厌烦了.HE____________________wi 我们班学生人数是我校最多的.______________________the students in our class____________in our school.这本图画书很适合小孩月的.This picture book is _________________ young children,我得到了一份理想的工作.I___________ 2008北京英语导游口试地点查询 英语导游口试会问一些什么问题?(除景点介绍外) you still care about 你用过图2-13中的乐器吗?这些乐器分别是依靠什么振动发声的 形容把乐器演奏的很好的歇后语 Why do you still care about me 棒体打击乐器和弦乐器振动体频率公式,有什么异同? So you still care about her,it is. 锌跟稀硫酸反应时,溶液的质量将 10、王伯伯把10万元人民币存入银行,存期3年,年利率3、33%,到期后可取回本金和利息()元 至少一天一次的英文怎么翻译 中国的气候类型对农业有什么影响 英语翻译知5知啊 有一首backsteet Boys的歌,只记得高潮时是I still need you. I need you 是什么意思? 锦上添花,把句子补充完整1早晨的雾可真大啊!2今年冬天真冷呀! 求表示步步高升的成语或句子越多越好 用什么词语来形容这位女子非常不错,在工作上非常买力,且步步高升了 用锦上添花造句子,急 中国的气候分布不要复制的。... 足智多谋、喜上眉梢是什么意思 哪个剪纸作品的意思是喜上眉梢 什么剪纸寓言喜上眉梢 Although I Need 如题 Although the wind has ——,the rain remains steady ,so you still need a raincoat.这题看下.Although the wind has ——,the rain remains steady ,so you still need a raincoat.A.turned up B.gone back C.died down D.blown out 这题为什么选c?详 Although I don’t need to go to school,求检查语法错误Although I don’t need to go to school,I still work hard at home.I did some IELTS exercise and I found out they are all very difficult.I tried my best to finish them.I also made some flash Although the wind has ______,the rain remains steady,so you still need a raincoat.A.turned up B.gone back C.died down D.blown out 男人的胸怀是委屈撑出来的英文翻译 暧昧让人受尽委屈 英文翻译. 我不会让你受委屈 英语翻译是?1 我不会让你受委屈 2 他感到很委屈 3 我冤枉你了英语翻译是? 委屈这个词用哪个好?2 wronged 可以当动词用,也可以做形容词么?谢谢系动词 feel 后面,feel wrong