
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 23:59:10
three 的e 发音是:/i:/ 还是/e/ 英语马上好评 This is my bedroom.There is a desk ___it.On the __there is a clock.__ is very nice.There is a __on the chair.The bookcase__next.The shoes are on the floor under the __,and the __are i nthe pencil box.My bedroom is very__.don't you __so?用photo,think 英语! 英语!急!马上给好评 全部,英语,急, 英语翻译Jam is one of the their big guns,who's gone behind enemy lines and taken out plenty of enemy commanders.However,beneath these actions lie his wish for peace,his desire for a swiftly put an end to the conflict. I'll go swimming in space.的中文意思是什么 I go swimming once a week的汉语意思 I often go swimming 写出同义词 I will go swimming中swimming作什么成分 He used to go swimming. 急求李阳疯狂英语mp3+lrc 本人已经高3了 想要李阳疯狂英语mp3+lrc来提高下水平 李阳疯狂英语MP3和lrc..找得到mp3但是找不到lrc..积分不够 sh ch th 把读音也说下 The fish____ is a big house for fish. The house is q big.填什么 The fisherman is said ______a big fish _______yesrerday Ato caych ,lively Bto catch ,aliveCto have caught ,aliveDto have caught,lively The big fish is about two metres long When the fish is big,it goes away from the agg.做阅读理解的题时,看到了这个,谁明白呀, it is time to go watch wash clean play visit cok return learn climb miss stay match study fly see singdo go swim buy take leave get have写出他们的过去式 六年级下册周测六 一、写出下列单词的过去式.watch_______wash _____ clean _____ play _______ visit( )1、 -What did Lisa do yesterday?-She________ to music .A、listens B、listen C、listened( )2、Did John _____ football yesterday? it is good to go swimming ____this time of year.A.in B.at C.for D.on it is an excellent time for swimming.请详解. three those their these中哪一个t读音不同,说明原因回答要清楚:three中的t发的是(什么音). keep fish in the lake养鱼为什么不用raise而是keep? 湖里没有鱼.____ ____ ____ fish in the lake. she can speak good english because she is always in ___ (practice) Does he enjoy ( )(go)swimming.括号里填什么 how long does he often spend go swimming 改错 does he enjoy swimming?does后应该用原型吧?DID是原型还是我记错了?