
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 04:19:26
化简比的依据是什么?A 比的意义 B 比的基本性质 C商不变的规律 除了用比的基本性质化简比,还有其他方法化简比吗? 关于“比的基本性质和化简比”的题目.一、化简下面各比,并求比值.1.6.4:4.8化简后的比:()比值:()2.4/2.5化简后的比:()比值:()3.4/35:16/21化简后的比:()比值:()二、声 能不能加一点中学的建议 谁知道初一下册英语1到6单元的单词录音下载?要【新目标】的.快 初一上学期英语短语,一单元50个初一上册的,越快越好,一个单元也行啊(最好都有) 初一上学期英语词组 英语 初一上学期的1-9单元所有的动词词组有哪些? 1.My favorite sport is...==2.How about__________?How about_______ ______?=3.be good______ ______be good______ ______be good______ ______=______ ______ ______=______ ______ ______ ______4.be kind______sb对某人友善=5.______kind of______kind of6.he 初一上学期英语词组翻译1.还有谁2.切蛋糕3.庆祝我的生日4.How do you c_____ you birthday? Have agood dinner with my family.第四题为填空(横线处) 在Word里如何输入度/分/秒的符号? CAD里多行文字怎么输入角度的度、分、秒的符号主要是度分秒中的分和秒怎么输入.我用的也是极点,不知怎么输入, 这道题为什么选D? 这个题为什么选D 已知数列{an}的前n项和Sn=-n^2+9n+2,n属于N*(1)判断{an}是否是等差数列(2)设Rn=|a1|+|a2|+……+|an|,求Rn(3)设bn=1/[n(12-an)],n属于N*,Tn=b1+b2+……+bn,是否存在最小的自然数n0,使得不等式Tn 已知数列{an}的前n项和Sn=n^2-9n1.求证:{an}是等差数列2.求Sn的最小值及相应的n3.|a1|+|a2|+|a3|+.+|an|. 已知数列an的前n项和Sn=n^2-9n-11,求an通项.2,求{|an|}前n项和. 以下几道英语选择题的理由——what do you think of Sally’s performance in he latest film?——wonderful!she has never done____ A.best B.worst C.better D.worse 为什么选C?he thinks himself to be very important,but in fact he is____A. 以下是英语选择题(并且说出理由)17.I don’t like blue _________ she likes.A.but B.and C.so D.or19.The pencil case is only 5 dollars.I'll __________.A.take it B.bring it C.bring them D.take them28.We have m 1寸是几厘米 48.49 He didn’t go into any detail on the subject; he just spoke _________.A.in commonB.in particularC.in generalD.in the least 英语第48题. 一寸是几厘米? 一寸约有几厘米 第三题为啥选A而不选C 18题为什么选a不选c 第15题为什么选C不选A 1.When it was his turn to deliver his speech,A ,he walked towards the microphone.A.nervous and excited B.nervously and excitedly2.--Have you ever seen that movie?--Yes.When I was in Ma'anshan,I A it three times.A.saw B.had seen 3.The computer program 一些英语选择题,不难的!帮帮忙~~1. Though it rained heavily, ____ were still playing on the playground. A. they B. them C. their D. themselves 2 .Tom and ____ will go to see our teacher, for ___ is ill. A. I; she ----Are you happy with your new computer?----- No,it is _______ me a lot of trouble.A.showing B.leaving C.giving D.sparingEinstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he ______ his own work and translated it into German.A.gave off\x05\x05\x05B.turned d Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday.Have you got any idea _________ the party is to be held?A.what B.which C.that D.whereI ate _________ sandwich while I was waiting for _________ 20:08 train.A.the,a B.the,the C.a,the D.a,aIn many places in China,___ bicycl