
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 22:01:12
设一次函数y=kx^2+(3k+2)x+1,对于任意实数k,当x 已知函数图像y=kx方+(3k-1)+2,其中k为实数 证明不论k为何值,原函数的图像必经过这两点RT 写一个做点心的步骤,要英语的比如汉堡要把菜名写出来,一百个单词左右的。不要像第一个回答的这么难和这么长声明我是六年级的 —Is this the small town you refer to?—Right,just the one ___you know I used to work for years.A.that B.which C.where D.what 答案是C为什么不能用A is that the small town you often refer to--Is that the small town you often refer to?--Right,just the one____you know I used to work for years.为什么答案用where,用which不也是可以解释的通吗? 定语从句选择题Is this the small town you often refer to?Is this the small town you often refer to?Right.just the one()you know I used to work for years.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.what Is this the small town you often refer to?Is this the small town you often refer to?Right.just the one()you know I used to work for years.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.what is that the small town you often refer to?Right,just the one __you know i used to work for years为什么不用that而用where谢谢! 如何提高初三化学成绩 化学氧化还原反应(答得好追加分)氯气和氢氧化钠反应,氯元素既做氧化剂又做还原剂同种元素的得失电子能力相同,为什么同种元素可以同时做氧化剂和还原剂 氧化还原反应实际上包含氧化和还原两个过程,某氧化还原反应中还原过程的反应式为(NO3-)+(4H+)+(3e-)=NO(气体)+2H2O,让选正确选项,有一个选项是这样的 当手机到2.24L(标况下)气体时,参与反 这是一个形容词 什么是“废物点心”?从何而来? Alice Springs is a small town. A town is usually( )A.bigger than a village but smaller than a cityB.bigger than cityC.the same size as a cityD.the same size as a village Danny is a schoolboy.He _16_in a small town.His home is about ten mlies _17_school and the roadsare not flat(平坦的).So its _18_for him to get to school.He _19_at about five thirty every day and has breakfast.Then he _20_school at around six ocl 用方程解决实际问题1、甲、乙、丙三个数的和是255,已知甲数除以乙数,乙数除以丙数都是商5余1,甲、乙、丙三个数各是多少?2、一条大鲨鱼,头长3米,身长等一头长加尾长,尾长等于头长加身长 解决实际问题(用方程做)甲仓存粮130吨,乙仓存粮80吨,从甲仓运多少吨到乙仓,才能使乙仓存粮比甲仓的4倍多10吨? 六级过了,可以考口译吗?六级刚过线,想再攻下口译证书,不知道自己的英语水平行不行啊? 我目前英语六级,想考二级口译资格,能考上么,有没有考过这个的, 请问我英语六级只考了441 但是想考口译 有资格吗 六级520 能考口译吗我四级考的比较衰 六级刚好520 这样能考口译吗? 有N2 O2 H2 混合气体20克,点燃后充分反应生成水,并冷却到室温,有两克气体剩余,则剩余气体不可能是()AN2 O2 BN2 O2 H2 CN2 H2 DN2 已知两点M(-2,2) N(5,-2) 在坐标轴上求一点P 使∠MPN为90°(用直线方程的方法做 斜率没学过) 一条直线经过点M(2,1),且在两坐标轴上的截距和是6,求该直线的方程 描写点心的语句要传神哦 our hometown is no longer the small town that it used to bethat与it不是在宾语从句中属于重复的错误吗,为什么还是对的 描述饭菜很香的词描写手扒肉的 my hometown and my friend's hometown英语作文要英语作文!急死了!快 求函数f(x)=2sin(1/2x+π/4)的单调递增区间 1、y=x+2根号(x-1)2、y=x^4+x^2+13、y=6-根号(5-4x-x²)4、函数f(x)=x-根号(2x+1)的值域为?5、函数f(x)=x+根号(2x-3)的值域为?6、函数f(x)=2-根号(4x-x²)的值域为?不好意思,麻烦 1、|3x+1|+|2-x|<52、A={x|-2≤x≤5},B={x|m+1≤x≤2m-1},CRA∩B=B 求《胡质父子》译文