
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:40:47
若α,β是方程x方+(k-3)x-k+1=0的两个相异实根,且0<α-β<2根号2,那么k的取值范围是 A 英语翻译桂林是中国著名旅游景点,每年都有很多游客来旅游.那里有七星公园和象山公园等很多漂亮公园,桂林的漓江是非常漂亮的地方.那里秋天最美.桂林是中国最美丽的城市之一.60词左右, 若关于x的方程根号(4-X^2)=KX+2恰有一个根,则K取值范围? 与直线3X-4Y+5=0关于X轴对称的直线的方程为? 英语翻译美国是世界上最强大和最发达的国家之一.它位于北美洲、北与加拿大接壤,南与墨西哥接壤.其面积为9,322,615平方公里,是世界上第四大国.美国人口约为2.844亿,其中70%为拜仁,其余以亚 1.jim runs __( slow).but ben runs ___(slow).2.tom is as __(fat) as__jim. 求平行于直线3x+4y-12=0 且与他的距离是7的直线的方程 详细过程 谢谢 求平行于直线3x+4y-12=0且与它的距离是的直线的方程 4X²-3X=0 4X²-25=0 9X²+12X+4=0 15X²+6=X+8 若x²+-4x+1的值为0,则-3x²+12x-5的值是(    )A、-2     B、-8      C、2     D、8把多项式x²(a-1)+x(1-a)分解因式,其结果是( )A、(a-1)(x²+x) 1.y=-3x²+12x-3 2.y=4x²-24x+261.y=-3x²+12x-32.y=4x²-24x+263.y=2x²+8x-64.y=2分之1x²-2x-1先确定下列抛物线的开口方向对称轴及顶点在描点画图 问二道英语题 谁来帮帮我?Which do you like ▁▁▁ ,chicken,beef or pork?A.more B.better C.best D.the better-May I do my homework after I watch TV?-No,you ▁▁▁,you▁▁▁do your homework now.A.may not...must B.may 1.where would wo go if wo could go on a vacation together?- i hope to visit Mexico()A.some time B.some days Csomeday D.in a day2.Shall we go to visit the Museum of Natural History first?-()Ayes,we do B.yes!Let's go C.no,you shalln't Dit's a pity这 1、(D)he works hard,I don't mind when he finishes the experienment.A As soon as B As well as C So far as D So long as2、We( D)finish the job ,now that we have got so far with it.A may B might well C could D may as well注:正确答案已给 用牛顿迭代法求下列方程在1.5附近的根:2x3-4x2+3x-6=0.#include "math.h"main(){float x,x0,f,f1; x=1.5;do{x0=x;f=2*x0*x0*x0-4*x0*x0+3*x0-6;f1=6*x0*x0-8*x0+3;x=x0-f/f1; }while(fabs(x-x0)>=1e-5);printf ("%f\n",x); }想请教下这一步: 方程求根牛顿迭代法 求方程 f(x)=x3+x2-3x-3=0在1.5附近的根 The girl was seen____a picture at the party.A.to draw B.drew C.drawn D.draw请问seen有什么用法,上面一题选什么,为什么?We spend as much time as we can ____-English.speng+doing但can后加原形,不是矛盾吗?应该填ING形式还是 已知p是直线l:3x-4y+11=0上的动点,PA,PB是圆x^2+y^2-2x-2y+1=0的俩条切线 ,C是圆心,那么四边形PACB外接圆面积的最小值是? 已知P是直线3x+4y+8=0上的动点,PA,PB是圆想x^2+y^2-2x-2y+1=0的两条切线,A,B是切点,C是圆心,求四边PACB面积的最小值 1.You should put the books_____they were before leaving the reading-room.A.where B.in which C.that D.which2.Mary sings so well that I can't but_____her great talent for music.A.noticeB.to notice C.noticed D.noticing 英语翻译The expression felt out of place on a mouth more often given to smilling.词都认得就是看不懂. These are yellow purses.(改为单数句)I would like some coffee to drink.(改为一般疑问句)为什么第二个是Would you like some coffe to drink 而不是Would you like any coffe to drink 疑问句不是应该用any吗? 1).那件事发生在我到达的那天That __ on the day __ I __ __ .2).那就是他们的出生日That is the day __ the __ __.get to 不加地点么?just arrived 好像是对的吧?还有更合适的吗? 已知p是直线3x+4y+8=0上的动点,PA,PB是园xx+yy-2x-2y+1=0的两条切线,A,B是切点,C是圆心,那么四边形PACB的面积的最小值为?(请给出解释,) 1.London isn't cleaner than it was 10 years ago,right?要表达LONDON比之前干净了,该怎么答呢?是说YES IT IS ,还是?.2.I am the only boy in the class,______?(反意疑问句?) I___(buy) the bike two weeks ago .I ___(have) the bike for two weeks _____ you______(phone)me this morning How many times____you_____(phone)me these days 英语翻译1.出于同情,布莱克太太(Mrs.black)给了这位可怜的老人一些钱.(out of sympathy)2.英语教师指着一个苹果用英语对全班同学说:“这是一个苹果.”(point to)3.当我们互相帮助时,我们的 2x/x^2-4-1/x-2 (X+1)(X+2)=2X+4 x-2.4=1/2x+2.4 4/(x+1)-5/(2x+2)=1 方程2x+y=7在正整数范围内的解为