
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 22:30:44
My grandfather often goes fishing on Sundays.(爷爷经常在星期天去钓鱼.) 为什么Sundays要加s 六年级下册语文辩论会(正方)要举事例200字 《我们都是成功者》阅读答案 His brothers play soccer eveny day 对soccer提问 Mary is watching his brother ------------soccer A.playing B.to play C.plays D.playedSOS Jim likes___soccer. A: play B: plays C: to play B: playing 是哪个答案 还有理由 there was a()in his home last night ,Early this morning he reporeted it to th.1.there was a()in his home last night ,Early this morning he reporeted it to the police station (thief)2.their ()in building the special bridge made all the people do you know the 空(boy)name?用括号内的适当形式填空 DO you know the boy ________sunglasses,he is my brotherA wear B wearing C wearsthink 后跟的不是宾语从句吗?怎么会是B Do you know the boy in b____ Do you know the name ()the boy.A.in B.on C.under D.of They went home to have lunch.改为同一句 he went home to have suppre (同义句)he went home----- ----- Ben and his friends m______their parents at the school gate at 8: 眼镜王蛇和蟒蛇谁更厉害?如果都是成年蛇,谁更厉害?看了一些视频,是眼镜王蛇吃掉了蟒蛇,但很明显蟒蛇未成年! 请问蟒蛇,树蛇,眼镜蛇,眼镜王蛇,哪个蛇最长? 乐风时钟断电几小时时钟也停止了是怎么回事 我家兔兔养了一年多了,今天下午四点钟突然开始发疯,怎么回事啊?他只要一见到有人走过就在笼里乱窜,不然就在笼里有节奏地跺脚.到六点多钟他才好些,但是还很惊恐,眼睛瞪得很大眼神慌乱 parents often think their children are able to deal with traffic的阅读理解 听说亚洲有好几种眼镜王蛇,以前看过马来的眼镜王蛇,体色浅一些,而中国和印度的眼镜王蛇体色深一些,谁能具体说说不同种类的眼镜王蛇我比较喜欢养蛇,但养大多是无毒蛇,比如黑梅锦蛇 眼镜王蛇是不是主要产在印度,其他地方的好象很少如果被它咬了是不是必死无疑,有办法可救吗 眼镜王蛇吃什么? who's your english teacher的中文意思 英语翻译My English is not good.My mother is worried.She says"I'm going to school with you this morning Emily.""All right mum." I say.On the way Mum asks "Who's your English teacher this year?"I say "It's Mr Carl.""He's very tall and thin.He alway 如何快速有效理解英语的语法大神们帮帮忙特别是一般时,过去时和完成时等类别,太罗嗦记不住 i have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early setters approached this rich continent .有谁可以帮我分析一下介个句子的语法什么的 ,特别是后面的with which ,自己看到半天没整明天这个whi 毒蛇杀死蟒蛇吗?如眼镜王蛇能杀死大蟒蛇吗? He often with his parents eats out.He ()his parents often()out(同义句) 生理时钟的歌词罗志祥的歌哦 如何调整生理时钟?我上了很久夜班,习惯了白天睡觉,现在晚上睡不着怎么办? 怎么调节生理时钟 标准的生理时钟是怎样的.如题,