
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 02:50:16
帮我找一下整段话的英语改错!每行一个错误的单词或语病或漏词!以下是整篇短文:Dear Editor,Recemtly,our class have had a heating discussion about whether __________the Beijing Zoo should be mouvd out of the city.Some of m vitae怎么发音 vitae的美式读音,复制的不要来哟 happy teachers day,miss li!here's a p____for you怎么填 Here___(be) a card for you. The U.S.is south of Canada.对is south of Canada提问 it is south of Canada 这个 it 是指加拿大(外面)的南部,还是指在加拿大里面的加拿大本身的南部地区? Not far from the wclub there as a garden,为什么不用 was there personality和individualality有什么区别 personality 跟 caracter 区别看到一句话:But shortly after World War I the basic view of success shifted from the character ethic to what we might call the personality ethic. 电阻网络的节点为什么能拆啊?比如3*3网络的电阻 为什么那4个节点都能沿加电压的方向拆开? 一.Not far from the school there was a garden,{ } owner seated in it playing chessA.its B.whose Cw 英语单词记得拼写不记得意思啊!怎么办!我晕!别人是记得意思但是不记得拼写.但是呢我更加糟糕!记得怎样拼写,我阅读的时候就发现了这么问题,这个单词我会读的,也会拼的,但是呢就是忘记 连词成句1、reading,the,lot,in,time,Simon,a,spends,of,library2、to,hour,library,me,an,find,took,if,half,the,new ____amazed me most was that the youngboy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.AthatBitCwhichDwhat 各个选项都解释下吧 As a young boy,I struggled to achieve tasks that came easily to most.怎么翻译? 求高一水平的英语词组,300个,像look forward to这样的,我们老师太BT了,让我们摘300多个- 英语翻译Salman Rushdie写的是文章。不是标题翻译 Talk is cheap,do it!如何翻译? Donnot judge people by their looks!要汉语意思 who neglects learning in his youth,losses the past and is derd for the future意思 野战排中开头时候有一句“rejoice o young man in thy youth.”google翻译解释看不懂.求犀利中文解答 They saw the lost boy was sleeping in the park这句话成立吗? They lost ( ) way in the park.大哥大姐帮帮偶吧 Food Safety Considerations In Sugar Production讲演标题 怎么翻译的大气到位点? transpotation safety production made in U.S.A.MAKING COMPANIES OF transpotation safety production in U.S.A. 英文key的用法×× of keyI have s×× of keys.这是一道题。帮我解一下,急用!!!!! ___ will Joe be ___ in 15 years?He will possibly be a fireman.A.How;likeB.What;likeC.What;/D.Which;like Judging people ___ their appearance is silly.A.byB.onC.withD.for 英语翻译我发现肚子有涨涨的感觉,打了几个“嗝”以后,就舒服些了,感觉有些气憋在里面. 英语翻译目的 探讨治疗肛肠病术后减轻疼痛、水肿、促进创面愈合的有效方法.方法 将516例肛肠病术后患者随机分为两组(治疗组和对照组),治疗组清洗创面后予以抗菌喷剂直接喷敷,对照 这是什么求医