
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:15:50
划分Edison became very interested in science at the age of ten.句子成分 急用 .He left school to work at the age of twelve.(同意句)He left school to work _____ he ____ twelve years old. 万()千()把词语补充完整快 爱人的英语怎么写? 仔细体会李白《送友人》的意境,以生动形象的文学语言将其改写成一篇散文 把词语补充完整:( )千( )百 品读《送友人》,展开联想和想象,描绘首联所展现出的画面.或者首联的意思也行。送友人 李白 青山横北郭,白水绕东城。此地一为别,孤篷万里征。浮云游子意,落日故人情。挥手自兹去 "爱人"英语怎么写 送友人首联用什么词语 英语选择,charlie chaplin,( )began acting at the age of five,led a very hard life.A.whom B.who C.which D.that He was ---- ----- ---- English at the age of five横线上应填什么 at the age of five 用生动形象的语言描绘“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬.”展现的画面.要展开想象,不要用翻译回答,不要太深奥,符合初二水准.(ps:只用写一段话,80~100字左右) 恋人英语怎么写 光明畜牧场养了900头牛,奶牛比肉牛多百分之25,奶牛有多少头?光明畜牧场养了900头肉牛,奶牛比肉牛多百分之25,奶牛有多少头? 用2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10放入九宫图中间位空开使其行列和相等中间一格空开没有6! 数独啊,很简单o,我是说四宫格的很简单。。。 翻译句子.横线不限词数.他非常聪明,总想到一些好主意.He is ___ to ___ some good ideas. yes he does 什么意思 Does he( )hiking Yes,he doesDoes he( )hiking Yes,he does A,go B,goes C,going D,to go选几A、B、C、D -Have you found ____ address that you wanted?-Yse.It's Mr wang268@163.com感觉空格里应该填的是the,为什么答案是a呢?我同意一楼的说法“that you wanted 是定语从句,修饰 address,意为“你想要的那个地址”,表 He is clever to think of good ideas(同义句)He is clever to__ __ __good ideas. Does Mike jump high?yes,he does.Does Mike jump high?yes,he does.(说的好有高悬赏分,不要抄袭) 求a thousand years MP3可以吗?~lolivial@163.com 谢谢 l have some ideas——how to get good——.填空 I want to find a penfriend in english. my email :wajydyy@163.com 再分别给个例句谢谢了tailor-madecustomer-mademake to order Does he have a _____(网球)?Yes,he does.xiexie 一杀手数独 谁能帮我解释一下下面几个词组,a living death tearful joy cold pleasant manner poor rich guys dully bright mercifully fatal a love-hate relationship如上7个, gao shan has some telescopes.改成否定句 Gao Shan does some washing at the weekends.(否定句)