
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:48:22
求奇迹英语7.0注册码! 奇迹英语5.0的注册机用不了文件中的注册机用不了,这是我的机器码 非常感谢109DE031@44566454X 奇迹英语5.0注册机谁有奇迹英语5.0的注册机啊,我下了一个不好用啊,我的用户码是7685527182155173GDL,搞了好久都弄不起啊! 什么是忠?什么是义?什么是情?如题 何谓“情”,什么是情如题 泛情啥意思啊?如题 谢谢了没什么详细的我就想知道泛情啥意思~ ~ 情是什么什么是情如题 情是什么、什么是情 情人是什么意思?如题 谢谢了 Mr.Black came all the way to Australia for travelling _____ for making money .He wanted toMr.Black came all the way to Australia for travelling _____ for making money .He wanted to relax. A.other than B.less thanC.b Do you like reading ( ) book .,括号里是 i开 头的单词 .、 My friend gives me a (n )on my birthday and i like reading it very much把括号里的单词根据首字母填空 他的自行车用英语怎样读 车载mp3用英语怎么读 求 奇迹英语5.0精华版的注册机文件 或者奇迹英语7.0的注册码~ “Grace decides to buy a car with the money she saved”中,为什么用with而不用use?请讲清楚一点,讲明白点为什么,请说明清楚点.I want to play basketball.不也是2个动词,want,play She saved some money___buy a new B.for that to 请问选哪个,为什么不选其他的?谢 Grace is going to South Africa.She's going to see _________.A.pandas B.dinosaurs C.polar bears D.hippos and elephants还有为什么选它! 看小学语文十二册封面写一段话封面是江姐的我没钱啊,对不起破费了. 小学语文用才能…才能…才能写一段话. They wanted to( )some moneyA.take B.make C.have Tell your friend_________ to make a milk shake 可以直接报考公共英语四级吗,可以直接报考公共英语五级吗 怎样快速考过四级拜托各位了 3Q 江苏的英语四级难考吗?3Q 没有英语四级证可以报考国家公务员吗?3Q I perfer to buy him a gift rather give him money等于I perfer_____him a gift to him money谢老 He needs some money to buy a gift _______ his friendI got two tickets ______ the concert.Would you like to go with me You should make some money yourself to buy the CD pleyer.划线部分提问?You should make some money yourself to buy the CD pleyer.通过 “make some money yourself”部分提问? I prefer lending him some money (to giving ) him some money.请问:A to giving B than giving C to give D than give 请讲出选择答案A的理由并且说出其它答案的错误之处.为什么不选,B,C,D.谢谢. 英语中宾语补足语 状语 后置定语的区别 英语中怎么区别定语和状语 在英语中,如何确定介宾短语是做状语还是后置定语?举个例子 I ate an apple in the kitchen.如何确定究竟是“我在厨房吃了一个苹果”还是“我吃了一个在厨房的苹果”?如果是前者就是状语了,后