
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:21:22
He has been practicing ___ English for two hours.A.speak b.to speak c.speaking d.spoke rap英文介绍用英文介绍rap就是介绍rap的一些文化或者有关rap这种音乐的内容200-300个单词不用太多太长了哥们。。 求一篇关于服装或服装起源的介绍(要英文) I want to know A.what does he sayBwhat he say Cthat he say Dwhat he said写出分析 Look,john has been playing on the playground for about 30 minutes and he still____A has done B is being done Cdoes Dis done 选择什么? The little boy is1.2 metres in ( )(高度)括号里填单词 请问科幻作文如何写 题意是什么 快速比如说科幻是指什么 如何写作文 仿句“ 乡情是一支清远的笛声,悠扬而深远;乡情是.”母爱是. Can you play very well_____not at all?A.that B.and C.or D.then 网语:ORZ是什么意思 ? gun 和gong 怎么发音 初三英语口头作文(8句)难忘的经历初二水平百度知道 求英语达人告诉我, gun and gum这2个单词应该如何发音,嘴形. gone gun发音的区别不要把音标发上来~ the boy in sportswear is handsome.sportswear前为什么不加冠词 1、The old man is as (单一)as a boy2、The rain _____(stop).Let's go on with our work3、The farmers stillo worked hard in the field even through it ____(rain )heavily4The man died in 1997(用现在完成时态) 1.the boy is caomes from USA 2.he gave up help the old man 改病句!快!速度!还有:3.Tom lives in China 3 years ago.谢啦~~~ How can I become male?I am female now.Because a man needn't be pregnant.Because a man needn't put off his trousers when pissing. how can i become beautiful?这句话没错吧?只是不太确定. One boy is a boy Boomer is about one metre tall____the shoulders and more than 2.1 metres long from his nose to thetail.A.in B.from C.at D.between The boy is my brother .what about one?It's m 第一个空是 stronger还是strong 第二个是thinner还是 thinmeThe 后面有一个空 about后面有一个空 结实的近义词是什么,要非常接近 四川地震中一个小孩的故事 小王读一本600页的故事书,他每天都比前一天多读一页,16天读完这本书,那么他最后一天读了多少页? 一道重心数学题设M为三角形ABC的重心,且AM=3 BM=4 CM=5 求三角形ABC的面积一个三角形,三边的中线交M点 这就是图咯 小汪读一本600页的故事书,她每天都比前一天多读一页,16天读完这本书,那么他最后一天读了多少页,(要有算式) 读一本600页的书,每天比前一天多读一页,16天读完,最后一天读了多少页?不用方程式 一本书610页,小明每天都比前一天多读1页,20天读完,谈最后一天读了几页 关于重心的一道数学题.今天,看到一道关于三角形的重心的问题,想了很久,我居然忘记了重心分中线是2:1.于是把重心研究了一番,想到了一个问题,看有没有人想过这个问题.记三角形的重心( .How about (going,go) to the movies?写原因 一只轮船从甲地开往乙地顺水而行,每小时行24km,到乙地后有顺水返回甲地,比逆水航行提前2.5小时到达又只水速为3千米,相距多少千米?【写公式】