
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 15:39:33
甲乙两球都做匀速圆周运动,甲球得质量是乙球的2倍,甲球在半径为2米...甲乙两球都做匀速圆周运动,甲球得质量是乙球的2倍,甲球在半径为2米圆周上运动,乙球在半径为1米的圆周上运动,甲球 SunFlower中文什么意思 若x^2+y^2=8.25,x-y=1.5,则(xy)^4= blooming什么意思?不要百度和金山查的 已知X^2-Y^2/XY=3/2求X^2+Y^2/XY的值 “sunflower”翻译成中文 2道简便计算题!999*999+1999=?2005*20062006-2006*20052005=? 2道简便计算题 拜托大家了(-3.25)+3.75-1/4+2.5+3又3/4+(-4又1/2) (-2又3/5)+(+3又1/4)+(-3又2/5)+(+2又3/4)+(-1又1/2)+(-1又1/3) 2道计算题,我要的是简便的啊. the art of van Gogh was not appreciate during his own lifetime.我觉得appreciate应该加ed对吧? I felt__a great honor to be given the chance to speak at the meeting.AoneBthatCitDthis请说出理由, In the reading room,we found John ____ at a desk,_______ his attention on a book.In the reading room,we found John ____ at a desk,_______ his attention on a book.A sitting;fixing D seated;fixed 第二个空应该用fixing 还是fixed 表示什么意 In the reading room,we found her ____at a desk,with her attention _____ on a bookA sitting fixing B to sit fixed C seating fixing D seated fixed In the reading room,we found her ____at a desk,with her attention _____ on a book第一空可以用sat吗 而且根据sit 和seat 的区别可知 seat意为“使就坐、使坐下”但原句这么翻译好像不符合 In the reading room,we found her ____ at desk ,with her attention ___ on the book. It is an honor for me___(ask) to speak here. 2道简单应用题1.一块方钢长6m,横截面是一个边长为2cm的正方形,如果1立方厘米的钢重7.8g,这块方钢重多少?2.红星村要修一个长1800m,宽12m的公路,要先铺10cm厚的三合土,再铺6cm厚的沙石.需要三合 2道计算题,(8x10^14)÷(-4×10^11)1/2x^2+2x+2 一质点在半径为r的圆周上从A处沿顺时针运动到B处,通过的路程和位移 英语57.I felt it an honor _____ to speak here.57.I felt it an honor _____ to speak here.A.to be asked B.asking C.to ask D.having asked为什么 英语翻译 In the classroom we found her seating at a desk ,reading 哪个词错应改为什么、或者是对的 I found her in the room."in the room"到底是宾语补足语还是地点状语? 一质点沿半径为r=20cm的圆周自A点出发,逆时针运动,在2s内运动3/4圆周到达B点;求质点的位移和路程 一个质点在半径为R的圆周上运动其最大位移和最大路程是 解下列方程租:(1)4(X-Y-1)=3(1-Y)-2,2/X+3/Y=2急关键是过程 解两个方程x^2-3x-6=0 (2x-1)^2-64=0急 再列方程 帮忙找一写作文段落的描写我要关于 写书法时的描写 和 夜里写试卷的描写 文笔越好,另外加分 写作文,需要一段描写雪景的段落, % yield 外贸英语中Yield是什么意思?今天老板让翻译一个询盘,偶是一个刚刚接触外贸的菜鸟0~0 有个框框是Yield,是量产需要的生产周期吗?救急